24- The Trust Test

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Friday, September 29th 2019, 7:43 p.m

Alison POV:

I walked along the sidewalk to Bella's house to do the first trust test for Ray. As I was walking, I felt a cold blast of wind go through me. Chills covered my body and I wrapped my arms around my body to keep myself warm. And of course it was dark already when we had to meet. Thanks Bella. I kept walking and had about 8 more minutes til arriving. I had to go alone, because Kevin had a doctor's appointment and he was going to come directly from the doctor's to Bella's. 

I was walking along a river, which flew through the town. I suddenly saw someone move there. I froze. I looked around, if I could see anybody, but saw nothing. 

Ben POV:

Was it actually her? Was it my sister? 

I was walking by the river on the forest side, when I saw a girl with brown medium hair walk by. I ran closer to get a good look at her as she was holding her gaze on the woods. I looked at her and memories flooded back in my mind...

* flashback from Summer, 2011*

"Ben! Give it back!" Alison yelled as I ran away with her stuffed animal bunny. "Catch me first!" I yelled back at her. "Ben!" she yelled back at me whining. "Mommy!" she then yelled. I stopped and gave her back the bunny. "What's going on?" my mom asked. I gave Ally a gaze that meant: make up a fake story. "Um, I saw a big spider. It was that way" Ally lied. "Is that why you screamed?" mom asked. "Yes, but it was huge" Ally said. "Come show me" mom said. Ally went with mom, but not before looking back at me as I smiled at her and Ally clapped her fist with her other hand. I laughed at that.

*end of flashback*

I gasped as I came back into reality. It was her! It was really my Ally! I stood up from my hiding spot and looked at Ally. She saw me.

Alison POV:

Ben. He was standing there and smirking at me. My heartbeat quickened. No. Not now. I picked up the speed and began running. I heard Ben run after me. I was terrified. "No God, please no" I thought to myself. I began seeing Bella's house. I sped up and stormed inside.

Arabella POV:

I heard the door open and close with a loud bang. I looked over at the door from the couch and saw that it was Ally.... panting and eyes wide as hell. "Ally what happened?!" I yelled running to her. "I can't..... breathe" Alison panted. "Hey, calm down. Come sit" I said leading her to the living room. "Okay, what happened? Was it Ben?" I asked. She nodded sadly. I hugged her. "It will be okay. They won't get near you if you don't want it. I promise" I said comforting Ally. She smiled. "Thanks Bella" she said smiling. At that moment the door opened again. And it was Ray with Sierra and Kevin. "Kev!" Ally yelled and ran into his arms. "Whoa, what's going on?" Kevin asked. "Ally saw Ben. And Ben saw Ally" I said. "What? Babe, you okay?" Kevin asked Alison. "Could be better" Alison replied. "Okay. Enough drama k?" Sierra interrupted. "Hey guys" Tony stepped in with Mark and Jon. "Hey" I said. "Okay we're all here, so what's the test?" Ray asked. "We'll have to go outside for that" I said. "What?!" Ray exploded out. "Don't worry, it'll be fine" I said laughing. 

We got outside and I closed the door. "Everybody except Ray. Come with me for a second" I said. All the survivors but Ray came to me and we formed a circle. I told them what they have to do to do the first test. We all nodded as we understood the plan and went back to Ray. "Hey, Ray. Go into the woods" I said. "What?! No! I can't go there!" Ray yelled. "It's a part of the test. Are you actually going to chicken out?" Jon asked. "No... but I can't go there at night" Ray said. "Come on, just do it" Sierra said. "I-I" Ray stuttered. "Go on Ray!" Mark yelled. "Yeah Ray, just go and come back that's all" Tony said. "There's nothing to worry about" Kevin said. "I-" Ray stuttered. "Go on Ray" Jon said. "Just go and it'll be done" Mark said. "Do you want to pass the test?" I asked. "Well yes.. but" Ray said shyly. "Then do it" I said. "Yeah do it Ray, it isn't that hard" Sierra said. "NO! I WON'T DO IT! I don't care if I pass the test anymore because I am NOT GOING INTO THE WOODS AT NIGHT!" Ray yelled and turned his back. 

"You passed" I said smiling. "W-What?" Ray asked confused. "You passed the first test. We tried to get you into the woods at night but you were true to yourself and said no. That was the challenge. The Survivor Squad never goes to the woods at night. Well except for the upcoming war, but that's in the future" I said to Ray. "That was the test?" Ray asked. "Yep" Tony said. "Well you guys are damn good actors" Ray said. Everybody laughed. "Okay, the next test is on Sunday and Survivors, we have a bit of preparing to do for this one" I said looking at the squad members. The members nodded. "Sunday at 2 p.m" I said to Ray. "Oh good, daytime" he said. "But that doesn't mean that the test is easy" I said smirking. 

"Hey Bella, how'd the meeting with the foster family go?" Mark asked. Bad memories flood back into my mind. "Let's say that the blondie who was in the house was a pervert" I said. That gave everyone the message. "Who was that motherfucker?" Ray asked, his hands clenching into fists. "Anthony White. A complete idiot" I said annoyed thinking about the guy. "I'll kill him" Ray said through his teeth. "Whoa! No need for that Ray! Please! I don't want everybody turning into monster killers" I said stopping his thoughts. "But he..." Ray began. "Shh" I shushed him putting my finger over his mouth. "That's in the past now" I said. 

"Is there something going on between you two?" Jon asked suspicious. "No!" I yelled pulling away from Ray, blushing a bit, but nobody could see it thanks to the darkness. "We're just friends" Ray added. "Yeah" I confirmed. 

Actually I did like Ray. I had never felt this way with someone. But with him I just feel safe and happy all the time. Maybe it's love? Nah, I don't think so.

"Okay, that's a wrap for today! See you on Sunday!" I yelled, heading back to my house. "Bye Bella!" everyone said at once. I smiled and went in the house. I was lucky to have this type of family. But also as the days went by, the date of the war came closer.

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