25- Trust Test 2

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Sunday, October 1st 2019, 9:02 a.m

Arabella POV:

I yawned as I stretched my muscles and cracked my back. I had a good sleep last night. Seriously, no nightmares. I reached for my phone and saw that I had a ton of messages from Ray. 

Ray: Bella? You awake?

Ray: Just wanted to confirm that tomorrow at 2 p.m right?

Ray: I just heard something

Ray: I hear a child screaming

Ray: Bella help me

Ray: I don't know what to do

Ray: The screaming stopped

Ray: Bella, I'm scared

Ray: Bella?

I scrolled through the messages and seriously was worried now. I texted him back immediately.

Arabella: Ray? You there?

Ray: Oh hey

Arabella: Oh thank god. I thought something happened to you

Ray: Well I'm physically fine but not mentally. A child's petrified body was found this earlier this morning from the corner of the street

Arabella: Oh God. I think I know who did it

Ray: Yeah, me too

Arabella: Ray, it's not safe for you there anymore. He's clearly searching for you. Get to my house right away

Ray: But my mom's already shocked from my last disappearance and I can't tell her that he's back. She'll freak out and not even let me out of the house.

Arabella: Tell her that you're going to a volunteer camp your teacher put you in

Ray: You sure?

Arabella: Positive

Ray: It's worth a shot

I closed my phone and got ready. I wore a white hoodie and black jeans today. I didn't even fucking care anymore. At least my hoodie wasn't bloodstained. I went downstairs and got a bowl of cereal for myself. Cheerios. Because I was practically out of food. 

I had 3 things in my to do list today. 

1- Do the second test for Ray

2- Go to the store

3- Show Scar the path he has to run from on the day of war

I was dreading the last one. But it had to be done at some point. I sighed and ate my cereal. When I finished, I looked at the time. 10: 01 a.m. I stood up and put Scar some food, what he ate right away. I smiled at the fact that I had him. Then there was a knock on the door. 

I went to the door and opened it. Another fucking officer. A woman this time. "Hello, Arabella Woods am I correct?" she asked. "Yes. Let me guess. You have another foster family for me?" I asked. "No" she said. "What? So where are you planning to put me?" I asked. "To the orphanage" the woman said. "WHAT? NO WAY!" I yelled. "I'm sorry, but the White family was the last one you could stay with in this town. There were no more offers to adopt you" she said. 

I felt broken inside. An orphanage? Like hell I'm going there. "Is there any other option?" I asked. "Well, do you have any more relatives older than 18?" she asked. I thought of my grandparents. Dead. My aunts and uncles. Dead. My cousins. Dead. Until I thought of Jeff and Liu..... who are alive. But I shook off the thought. There was no way I was going to live with motherfucking killer machines. So I left it. "No" I said looking down. "Everybody in your family is dead?" the officer asked. "Yes..." I lied. "Well I have no other choice than to send you to the orphanage. "When?" I asked. "Tomorrow morning" she said. 

FUCKING TOMORROW MORNING?!!! I have lived in this house for 4 years and didn't have the motivation to leave. "Please can I stay? I can take care of myself" I pleaded. "No, the orphanage will take good care of you. I promise" she said. "I know you're lying" I thought to myself. I nodded. "Okay, begin packing the things you most need and I'll pick you up tomorrow morning. Have a good day!" she said. I closed the door. "Jeff, please come and kill this fucking officer" I mumbled. I snapped back into reality. Wait what the fuck did I just say? No. That wasn't me. I cleared my head and went in my room.

*3 hours later*

I was with the survivors in the hideout, planning the test. "Okay, I think we're set" Sierra said. "Okay let's check things off to make sure we have everything" I said. "Fake blood?" I asked. "Check" Sierra said. "Uh.. Vodka?" I asked. "Check" Sierra said. "Lighter?" I asked. "Check" Sierra replied. "And actors" I said. "Check" me and Sierra said at the same time. "Okay, we're ready" I said looking at everybody.

* 30 minutes later*

I took my phone and called Ray. "Hello?" Ray asked. "Ray, get here quick! Tony is throwing up blood!" I yelled through the phone. "What?! Is this the test?!" Ray asked yelling. "No! We were setting up and he suddenly began coughing blood! Hurry!" I yelled. "Okay! Be there in 5!" Ray yelled and hung up.

Ray POV:

I rushed to the hideout as fast as possible. I knew it wasn't the test because Bella was seriously freaked out. I ran and ran and as I made it there, Bella was there. "Ray! Come quick!" she yelled. I ran down the steps and into the secret room. I found Tony from there, crouched on the floor, with blood everywhere. "Oh my God! TONY!" I yelled running beside him. "Hey hey, it's okay. I got you buddy" I said comforting him. 

"Ah I can't take this anymore" I heard Mark say as he opened up a bottle of vodka and was about to drink it. "No!" I yelled running up to Mark and throwing the bottle out of his hand, the bottle crashing into thousands of pieces. "Alcohol is not a solution for your stress" I said. "I think I'm done too" I heard Alison say as she took out a lighter and lid it. "Alison! No!" I yelled stopping her hand from burning herself. "It's not worth it" I said. "Why not?" she asked. "Why can't I do it?!" she yelled. "Because I care about you! You are my close friend and I care about your well being!" I yelled as I took the lighter from her hand. I knelt down beside Tony again and comforted him. "It's okay. I won't let you die" I said. I then heard laughing from behind me.

Arabella POV:

"Congrats dork. You passed" I said jokingly. "What? It was set up?" Ray asked. "Yep, Tony is fine" I said and Tony stood up smiling at Ray. "Mark hates ruining his health" I continued as Mark smiled at Ray. "And Ally is kinda scared of lighting anything" I looked at Ally who nodded. "So, this whole thing was a setup? And I passed?" Ray asked. "You sure did. And there's one more test left, before you become a permanent member of this squad" I said. "Cool, when?" Ray asked. "I'm not going to tell you. The last trust test is the hardest of them all and you really can't be prepared for it" I said. "I have done a different test as the last one for each member here. But they showed that were trustworthy and passed" I said looking at everybody. "So if you want to pass Ray, then just stay honest and loyal okay?" I said. "Okay" Ray said smiling. 

"Oh, and I have news for all of you. Bad news" I said. "What is it?" Tony asked. "Well, I'm going in an orphanage for 1 and a half years" I said sighing. "Wait what?!" Sierra asked shocked. The whole room was shocked. "Yes. Apparently there wasn't any more families that wanted to adopt me, so it was decided that I will go into the orphanage" I said. "What the fuck?! I am not letting you there!" Ray yelled. "Guys, it's fine. As long as we have our hideout we're fine. I don't have to be there, if I don't want to. I can be here too" I said. "But it's not the same" Jon said sadly. "I know guys, but I'm coming back to school on Tuesday" I said. The whole room didn't seem too exited about that. I sighed. "I better go. I still have to pack and go to the store. Also I have to show Scar the path he'll have to run from" I said. "You're going to the woods?" Ray asked. "At daytime" I said walking out the door, leaving the Survivors in the room.

I was sad myself. I didn't want to go to the orphanage, but I clearly just had two options. One, the orphanage for 1 and a half years or two, try and live with my brothers and with high standards, get killed. I chose the first option in my head and exited the hideout, locking the door behind me and shoving the carpet over the door.

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