Deceitful (Pokemon Watty Awards Entry)

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"... Hello? Is anyone there? Hellllllooooooo?" I called out.

Much to my dismay there wasn't a response, only the never ending blackness that surrounded me. Until suddenly...


With a hefty yawn and a stretch I squinted at my team of Pokemon all sound asleep within the bedroom. It was the weekend, so I didn't mind having them outside of their Pokeballs.

Blaziken, Floatzel, Weavile, Ampharos, Staraptor, and my new Treecko, were all sleeping peacefully... As usual. How they even manage to sleep through my alarm every day I have no idea.

I tiptoed out of my room quietly and made haste for the dining room table.

A plate with dark toast, fried eggs, bacon, and a cup of orange juice was waiting for me patiently on the table. I yawned once again and scowled at a sheet of lined paper tucked firmly underneath the ceramic.

With a gentle nudge I moved the plate, revealing a note that read:

Damian, I'm out shopping with your dad and sister. Try to get up earlier if you want to go out with us!

Love, Mom.

"I didn't wanna go shopping anyways..." I chuckled as I crushed the paper beneath my fists.

With the first bite of my breakfast I couldn't help but notice a feint screeching sound coming from the end of the hallway. A.K.A My bedroom door.

I smiled as I looked in the direction, knowing what to expect.

"You better not try to scare me, guys!" I warned playfully.

With a very vigilant eye I watched the hallway... It was only a matter of time before they came out of there. If there's anything I hate it's being jump scared, and it happens to be one of Weavile's. I took a slow sip of my orange juice, keeping my gaze on the hallway.

"I'm serious!" I stated firmly.
There was quite the silence that shrouded the house prepared to take another bite of my breakfast I was surprised to hear, "Vile!"

"Oh my God!" I gasped.

I turned around to see Weavile smiling at me sheepishly. I scowled but quickly forced a grin. Heck who am I kidding? I can't stay mad at him. Or any of my Pokemon for that matter.

"Nice one," I chuckled.

"Wea-vile!" he replied.

Now in the room were the rest of my Pokemon, each of them emerging from an individual hiding spot while laughing hysterically.

I yawned, "Glad to see you guys are up early. Who's ready for the weekend?"

They all replied by saying their name.

I took the last bite of my sandwich, then looked in the cupboard for Pokemon food.

There were three huge bags of different labeled Pokemon food.

"Let's see... One at a time, tell what you guys want."

I heaved at the first bag to remove it from the cupboard, but failed.

"Ken. Blaziken."

Blaziken lightly shoved me aside and removed all three bags with ease.

"Yeah I get it. You're stronger than me," I joked, "now, we got spicy, sweet, and uhh... Holy crap! Are these all... They are! Oh my Arceus, Razz berries! These aren't just Pokemon food! I might grab a bowl of these! Anyway, who wants what? Staraptor?"

She pointed a wing at the sweet food.

Weavile chose spicy, Blaziken chose spicy, Floatzel chose sweet, Treecko wanted both, Ampharos picked sweet.

Deceitful: A Pokemon TransformationWhere stories live. Discover now