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Katherine's P.O.V.

The noise was coming from behind
us, and I swear it wasn't coming from my imagination.

I whipped my head to the side, only to see a Rhyhorn started stomping its hoof to the ground a few times, before being fired up.

Then it charged. I leapt to the side, narrowly dodging its curved horn.

I immediately shot an Ice Beam at the rampaging Rhyhorn. It shook off the attack like it was nothing. My ears pricked; I could sense it was strong.

Philip threw a Thunderbolt at the Rhyhorn; the mon seething with anger.

"Weaklings." It snorted.

"I see. He's a load of douchebag," Philip rapped.

'Challenging us will be a bad idea...' I thought. I put my right paw on his left shoulder, and he turned his head to me.

I felt myself blush at my-my stupid act! Wrong move, Kate, wrong move!

"Are you... okay?"

"I-I'm fine! I just- I just want to tell you something!"

"Don't tell me-"


"You're sick, aren't you?"

"No I'm not!" I protested, annoyed.

"Oh well..." he sighed. "Let's kick his butt then. It annoys me to see such-"


"Yeah, that..."

"Let's drop the chit-chat right now, shall we?" The Rhyhorn growled. I huffed and positioned into a stance. All at once we charged and shot moves in our move set.

Philip lashed out with an Iron Tail, while I shot an ginormous blizzard on the Rhyhorn. Philip snorted with annoyance; it must be devastating for him to have his electric type moves to have no effect on the opposing Pokemon.

Rhyhorn charged with a Horn Drill, which I immediately avoided by leaping into the air and slamming down on Rhyhorn with a Giga Impact. I quickly rolled out of the way and saw Philip with a Shadow Ball.

'Wait.... I thought Pokemon are supposed to learn only four moves! Why did... he reached five?'

I remembered my move set.... which has six moves in a row. It was surprizing enough, seeing two or a normal Pokemon who can learn many moves as that.

"Look out!"

Before I knew it, someone grabbed me by my scarf and yanked me out of the way!

"Blake!" I beamed and gave the fire lizard a hug.

"Who was that boy you've been with?!" He demanded.


I turned to the Jolteon; he was hanging upside down with his hind legs tied with Lonnie's vines!

"What am I going to with him?" She sighed, sweat-dropping.

"Let me-Ow!" Philip yelped. I couldn't help but giggle at how helpless he looked.

"Lonnie..." I laughed. "Put him down, please."

Lonnie released him in a snap, and the electric fox landed in a heap on the ground.


"Guys, meet Philip. Philip, this is Lonnie and Blake. As you can see, they're my teammates. And.... guys, he's the one who helped me out a while ago."

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