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Narrator's P.O.V.

"Master, our army has been training overly for months. Some themselves are injured, and some of us had dropped dead from fatigue! How long should we prolong this horrendous routine? If this keeps up, you'll have nothing left but yourself!" A Golisopod hollered, shedding beads of sweat down his strong, metallic plates. Norsoe didn't do anything except for facing the wall in front of him. He totally wasn't in the mood.

"Patience, Oreus. That is nothing worse than a boy who betrayed his own master," Darkrai growled, casually flapping his Yveltal wings.

"A claim for a traitor? Why? Who could that possibly be?"

"The Jolteon that goes with the name Philip." He answered with pique in his voice. "I've known that boy for a few years. He didn't come for power nor glory themselves. He rather joined us just to get his memories back than all the riches he could have in the world."

Oreus shook his head in disappointment. He knew the legendary had observed the young, electric fox ever since he was just a kit. He saw that he was somehow different than the other Pokémon in this organization, other than being strong. Of course, Philip was much more mysterious than that.

"Hmm. Interesting." The Golisopod spoke, scratching under his chin. "It's ironic that the captain himself has betrayed you."

"Ironic? No. It wasn't. The plan, it's absolutely... perfect!"

"How could a traitor in our midst be a good thing?"

"Exactly. That wretched fox had repaid me nothing but foolishness, but of course, he is nothing more than a tool to me. Useful until he reaches his limits and become useless. About the girl, she was interesting enough. If she wasn't that persistent and stubborn, she would've made a good pawn for our army."

"About the captain..."

"What is it?"

"It seemed like he loves that girl. He has been acting strange lately."

"Fool," Norsoe rasped under his breath, fiddling with the Rainbow Wing that was perched on his claws. "That is what love does. It makes you weak and crumble under your feet. It is nothing more but a drink of poison that intoxicates you with every move until you have no choice but to relent. I swear to myself that I will make those mortals suffer if I had to. Oreus! Bring the army!"

Philip's P.O.V.

Forest trees covered most of my vision. The leaves were the spring's green, different from reddish autumn leaves. I then realized I wasn't with the others anymore, for they were gone from sight, like all of them have left me alone. I shrugged; they're my friends, of course they couldn't do that, neither will I.

Nonchalantly looking around the area, I was forced to move along the path, though it all seemed distorted and strange. It all seemed so familiar. Too familiar that I couldn't just remember the last time I've been here. It has been impossible that I seemed to know every path and tree here, but I clearly did like I had a map laid on my mind.

Slowly padding through bushes and twisted paths, a small, wooden cottage came into view, adorned with a little garden on the side. I watched as the door flew open, and out stepped an Eevee with a similar scarf to mine. I could tell he was angry, for it was almost he was storming off.

"Morning Sir. Do you know where Clearwater Town is?" The Eevee asked as he approached me. His voice had a cold touch from emotion, almost like mine. I shook it off, knowing how ridiculous it was for him to be me.

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