Two Different Stars

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Katherine's P.O.V.

Two weeks later...

I'm feeling better now, though Norsoe's voice still lingered in my head. Philip's advice made it alter and made the horrible thoughts glimmer weakly now, as it was now heavily pushed far away from my head, never letting it bother me again. A smile stretched across as I thought of him, making me blush.

It was noontime, as I was in the bookstore, searching for a good, romance book, loosening the strap on my saddlebag. I guess that Lonnie was right about these kind of books; they were actually pretty good and deep.

"Huh, since when did you start reading love stories?" Lonnie teased.

"W-What?! I was just checking out some mystery!" I told a white lie. She laughed.

"Really, Kate? Mystery/Thriller books are on the bookshelves on the far side of the store. And plus- can you please explain about that love story I found on your desk last week?"

Immediately, my face flushed crimson red in surprize. This grass fox had the eyes of a hawk.

"Fine! I started reading about them a week ago!" I fessed, terribly abashed. The Leafeon gasped.

"Really? Aww... I guess that Philip really made you realize that? That's sooo cuuute!" Lonnie cooed.

"H-Huh?! Of course not!" I protested, my face feeling terribly hot.

"Aaaiiieee! That's so adorable!"

"S-Stop it!"

"I'm getting epic fangirl fever right here! You two are so cute together!" She screamed. I mentally slapped my face with a paw.

"C'mon Kate, please tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me that you- mmphh!" Lonnie gasped as I covered her muzzle. Taking a look from left to right, I took a deep breath and whispered quietly to her ear. Her eyes lit up as I removed my paw from her mouth.

"Now, promise you'll tell no one about this," I assured.

"Ha! I already knew about it!"

"You do?"

"Of course! You were just too obvious! Hey, you know? I think he'll like you more as a friend once you'll get know more about each other." She said, making me blush once again. "Oh, by the way, I'll be hanging out with Blake today. I almost forgot!" Lonnie giggled and disappeared into a row of bookshelves. I sighed in relief and reached out for the last book on the upper shelf. They told me it was really good. Look's like I got the last one.

I was about to grab it when suddenly, another paw snatched it away from my grasp. I was about to confront the mon who took it, but to my surprize, it was someone I knew.

"A love story? That's so unlike you!" Yeah, it was Philip. He was laughing hard.

"Uh, hey." I greeted, awkwardly. "What are you doing here?"

"Checking out some books about battling. I already purchased though." He replied, casually, showing me a small book. "And whoa, I totally didn't expect you were reading love stories. Totally didn't expect that from you, Kate-ey cake!"

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