His Return

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                      Lonnie's P.O.V.

-------Next morning-------

After meeting the author from my book yesterday, made me feel better. Kyaahh! He was way cuter in person, after all! Kate was checking our job, scanning every corner of it.

"It says we had to retrieve an item here." She said, and looked up, only to see the dungeon's terrifying entrance, which did not bother her at all.

"An item, huh?" Blake says. "Lame."

"C'mon guys, this is way better t-than saving some m-mon..." I stuttered.
They looked at me, and turned to the

"Let's go."

The Glaceon took a deep breath and walked inside first, and we let her, because she was the leader and she  was supposed to inspect first for the team's safety.

"All clear." She says, swishing her pretty diamond-shaped tail. I padded along with Blake, like I was going to see the scariest thing in the world.

Arceus help me! Kate remained cautious, and remained her calm and brave posture.

While I was frantically whipping my head to the sides back and forth, nervousness feasted upon from me. Keep it together Lonnie....

"Um... G-Guys?" I asked as I pointed to a cluster of rocks. I gasped as I realized it wasn't a cluster of rocks. They were Geodude!

                 Katherine's  P.O.V.     

Lonnie gasped as the cluster of rocks began to move. They were actually Geodude, and the group approached us. Blake growled. Fire-type attacks were weak at this point.

For some reason, his tail flared into a bluish white color, and he charged at the Geodude with a Power-up Punch! It forced some of them backwards, but they went on and used Bulldoze, knocking Blake off his feet. He grunted in frustration.

"Are you okay?" I asked. I knew it was not a good idea to approach a Charmeleon in an aggressive state, but I made it. He nodded, and all at once I fired an Ice Shard at the Geodude. I turned to Lonnie; she was using Leaf Blade and slashed one, knocking it out cold.

"Nice one, Lonnie!" I called. She grinned in pride. As I was distracted by her, one of the Geodude tackled me, and with a forceful effort, I was pinned to the ground. He laughed and said, "Nice one Miss. You look pretty. I must have you as my mate!"

He stared at me with lustful eyes. Arceus, I never thought that this stupid rocky mass is actually a pervert! Immediately, I rolled to my side and lashed out with a kick, and as I set myself free, I leapt upwards and struck him on the gut. He fainted instantly.

Blake was exchanging blows with two Geodude. Lonnie was having a hard time fending off five of them, but she went on and used Magical Leaf, almost knocking out all of them.

"Blake! Lonnie!" I called. "Get behind me- NOW!"

As the two Pokemon darted towards me, I readied my stance and released a blue ball to the top of the dungeon floor. It exploded into angry black clouds and a flurry of snowflakes came roaring down from it.

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