A Luxray of Mystery

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sweat drops* H-Hey everyone. You were probably wondering why it took me so long to update. You see... I just had a serious case of stupid writer's block, and second problem is school. Argh.... *inserts numerous sentences refering to how life sucks*

Philip's P.O.V.

"That's all..." The ice fox says, locking her gaze at me. Not that I didn't know about it. Geez. This human sure is gullible to believe every single lie I told her. Of course, nothing is impeccable in them. Those were pure lies.

"So how come you didn't tell me before?" I asked, trying to sound confused. Kate instead broke eye contact and stared at the dirt below her, pawing nervously.

"I... j-just had a f-few reasons for that... b-but... its too p-personal, I g-guess..."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to..." I told her, forcing a smile. I hate it when she does that. She's got to do something better than being innocent and whatnot. And what is the point of this task, anyway?! I swear Norsoe owes me something big enough for this...

"Guys..." Lonnie spoke from behind us. We all turned to her and saw she was holding a mysterious letter on her paw.

"What is it, Lonnie?" The Glaceon asked.

"Its a letter from her father." Blake stated. "He's asking for forgiveness..."


"I'm fine, Kate... but..."

"But? Lonnie, its okay if you can't. You just need some time... that's all, I think..." Kate says, resting a paw on the Leafeon's shoulder. Lonnie sighed. I scoffed at the sight of them. How dramatic...

Lonnie's P.O.V.

I sighed and blinked, not able to believe what happened today. Louis just asked me for forgiveness, but the matter is too hard for me to think about after what happened to all those years. Years of nothing but pain... and sadness.

I felt a bit angry and a bit sad to it, memories of him hurting me and such...

Transfixed, I was unable to move, staring into the ground with droopy ears and tearful eyes.

My friends tried to console me, but their efforts went to nothing when I gave them a gaze full incoherence and despair. It made them frown and exchange looks, full by the longing of brightening me up.

With a turn and a flick of my leafy tail, I turned away, trudging towards the path to town in a ramble. No purpose at all; I just needed a walk. Seeing how deep the solemness on my once sunny and happy atitude, they proceeded to follow me.

Somehow, I felt kind of broken, which made me weak for some reason, but I didn't care and tried to just shrug it off. Up to this day, I've been hating and despising him until now. A low growl escaped my throat, but still, no one, not even myself, could deny the fact that he is my father, and I'm just everyone's weakhearted Leafeon.


"Blake, you don't have to..."

"We've all experienced that..." He began. "We both experienced bad, horrendous things, Lonnie. Don't try to feel alone in your situation because you're not. Its all just the past now, remember?"

"That was a long time ago." I rasped, which sounded more like a cub's whimper. I could see him smile weakly and sigh, giving me a kiss on my cheek. A blush slowly flushed and crept to my cheeks, leaving me struck by surprize. Blake laughed and ruffled the fur atop my head.

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