Snowy Danger

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Is everybody wondering what element will Kate choose from eight?
Hmm.... That idea might beef up the story a bit,I think...


                   Narrator's P.O.V.

-------That night----------------------------------

Leena sneaked into Blake's household, silently taking her chance for her murderous plot. Maybe I should bring her to snowy grounds where no one could see us... She thought.

The cat slowly made her way to the evolution fox's room.

She picked the sleeping Kate by the scruff of her neck and jumped on the window, making her way outside. Silent as a Rattata, she padded along the path that led to a place... called Silverlane Forest, where everything is snowy and white.

                 Katherine's P.O.V.



"I'm sorry sweetie... I have to go."

"B-but... What about Daddy?"

"I'm sorry. He has to go too..."

Tears fell down my eyes as I hugged my mother. My dad gave me a kiss on the forehead before giving me a big hug.

"Promise me you'll take care of our little kit. I hate seing her like this. I doubt we'll even get to see her again..." He told my aunt Vala with her Audino, Potts.

"O-Of course."

My parents waved goodbye and opened the door. I think I saw a Pokémon, but that must have been my imagination...


I snapped back into reality, a cold and icy wind blowing against me. Wait, where am? Suddenly, I felt someone tug my Eevee mane, and I knew why.

Without warning I kicked the  kidnapper's chest and did a backflip in the air, setting myself free.

With a shocked face, I stared at the kidnapper.

"You little brat! You're supposed to be asleep!"

"W-Well, I'm already awake." I replied, trying to sound brave despite my stuttering.

For some reason, her eyes are blood red.

"Hello, little hero..."

The voice was coming from Leena. The color drained from my face as I stared at the gigantic cat.


"Of course it's me, little hero. Did you seriously think I'll just sit around and watch you get stronger and stronger?"

At the sound of those words, I fired a Hyper Beam at him and ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

"SOMEONE HELP!" I screamed.

Using Quick Attack for a boost, I strode through the snowy terrain and leapt on a rock, tripping on it. I yelped out in pain when mean jaws closed on my left hind leg.

"Thought that you could run away?"

Norsoe laughed. I saw Leena's jaws were caked in blood. My blood.
Norsoe used Toxic and successfully poisoned me.

Taking a chance, I rolled away from the dangerous beast and ran despite the excruciating pain on my leg.

It was not long when my eyes threatened to close.

Please not now... I mentally pleaded myself. Poison was slowly weakening me, and after a few seconds I staggered and fell to a cluster of ice and didn't get up. For a few seconds, I lay there like a dead fox.


I ignored the voice. My vision was getting blurry, and I swore to Arceus I could see a figure or two.

Kate... No...

My lungs felt like they would burst from running too long. My breathing grew heavier as time went by; my surroundings starting to look like abstract paintings.

I closed my eyes, feeling my end was near and it was hopeless trying to get up in a poisoned state. I could hear a few noises and it was obviously coming from a battle. I felt someone carry me by the scruff of my neck...


Cautiously, I opened one eye. I saw my injured leg was wrapped up with soft leaves.

"Are you okay?"

Startled, I turned around and saw a Beartic. Intimidated by her large size, I took a step back.

"I'm sorry if I scared you..." Her voice was gentle and sweet, unlike Leena's harsh voice.

"I-I-m fine..." I stuttered.

"That's good. By the way, I'm Icicle,and welcome to my clan's cave. What's yours?"

"K-Katherine." I replied. So there are more of her?

"She awake yet?" A voice asked.

"Yes, yes, now go away or you might scare the kid here."

Kid? What kid?

"Um... Excuse me..." I said. "I'm not a kid. I'm already sixteen."

Icicle chuckled.

"Sixteen, huh? You finally decided about evolving, don't you?"

I shook my head. I need to be careful in choosing my element, because the world depends on it. What if... I chose... wrong?

All of a sudden, a little Cubchoo appeared from Icicle's back. He sniffed the air 'till our muzzles nearly touched.

Then he gave me a lick on the nose. I can't help bit giggle despite my injury.

"N-Nice to meet you. I-I'm Shaunder, by the way..." He shyly says.

"I'm Katherine." I said, trying to show politeness.

"Uh... Icicle? I just want to thank you for saving me from... L-Leena. C-Can I just... walk back home now?"

"You're still injured. Why don't you stay here a little longer? I wouldn't mind at all. Plus, Shaunder likes you. A friend for him will be nice."

I scanned the plain cave walls. Maybe a little stay wouldn't hurt anyone, right?

"Alright..." I said.


I cocked my head to the side, startled by the sudden outburst.

"What?! Shaunder, stay here with Katherine! I had to help them!"

Icicle rushed off, leaving me and Shaunder. Alone.

"Hey, Shaunder." I said.


"Are you going or not?"

"Of course not." He replied. "Mom just wanted me to stay safe here. It's getting boring, though."

"Well." I said. "I'm going."

"W-What?! You're still injured! Take a rest!"

"I don't care." I replied, rather bluntly.

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