A Challenge

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Uhh....School is back...and teachers are piling up the assignments...so I'm really busy....to update....
*face-plants on my desk*
Oh, and a special thanks to Billycorn and ChuwieChoco1 for the never ending support!(I love these guys)Now let's continue!

                   Katherine's P.O.V.

-----------Next morning-------------------------

I was on a corner, reading my books. Today, is a new day, and the first day of a good job!

"Morning." I greeted when I saw a tannish shape pass me by. Lonnie.

"Morning." She replied, rubbing her eyes.

"Where's Blake?" I asked.

"He's in the kitchen."

"Hey guys!" Blake called. "I made pancakes~"


"Are you serious?"

"You guys really love pancakes huh?" He snickered. "You're going to love them!"

"Oh really? Then what's that black smoke over there?"

"Not the pancakes!"

We laughed as the fire lizard ran back to the kitchen. Oh, Blake... Soon, he came back with a few stacks of pancakes placed on a wooden plate. I was drooling!

"Breakfast is served!" He said.

"Thanks!" We said, and wolfed down our stacks. I wiped the maple syrup from my lips and giggled at the silliness.

"Hey, we should hurry up or we'll end up running late!" I said, and picked up my scarf. "Is everyone ready yet? I'm already hungry for adventure!"


And that's how it happened; first day on the job. We just sat on a corner in the rescue guild hall looking like idiots. But I couldn't blame the guildmaster for that.

"Hi!" A Persian greeted. "You must be the new ones. I'm Leena."

I could sense from her expression that she wasn't too thrilled to see us. It was something like:

"Ew, who are these losers?"

But I didn't want to be rude, so I greeted back.

"Oh, so you are the leader? That's amazing for someone tiny-er...cute like you!"

I took a step back. It was like the atmosphere felt cold around her. Something's not right...

"Morning, rescuers! I'm sorry I'm late, but I just received a mail from the Communication Guild. Anyone? Do you have questions?" Plasma, our Guildmaster asked.

I raised my right paw to ask, and someone batted it away with its paws. I looked up and saw Leena.


"Guildmaster, what about the bronze ranks? Do you think they are good enough?"

Plasma shot a piercing glare at the giant cat. Leena just rolled her eyes and went on, undaunted.

"We could have a competition with them against the silver ranks. If they win, they will get automatically elevated to silver, bringing shame to the losing silver ranks. If they lose, they get nothing."

Plasma's face crumpled, but her gaze soon softened. Everyone started whispering.

"Well said, Leena. Everyone, get ready for a competition, and we'll do  it today!"

My jaw hung open in shock. I didn't sign up for this!

"We're gonna win!" Leena purred.

I gritted my teeth. Someone up for a contest huh?


"Everyone to their teams!" Plasma ordered. "This is the first station, the obstacles of course, and the leaders get to go first! Remember: No bumping, no fighting and most of all, no cheating!"

She pulled out a list from her saddlebag and read, "First, Team Alon vs Team Vulcan! Second, Team Lucid vs Team Ruby! Third, Team Olympus vs Team Underground! Fourth, Team Alpine vs Team Conifer! Fifth...."

Plasma went on and on until...

"-and finally, the last but not the least, Team Alpha vs Team Spitfire!"

Interesting. Leena was on our rival team, and she stood up proudly and said, "Yep, that's me!"

Lonnie was pacing around nervously. Blake was smiling like an idiot. Well, I?  I was busy scanning our opponents, observing their movements. Being a leader was a huge responsibility. If I make a mistake, the whole team would come crashing down. I couldn't let that happen.


I turned and saw Lonnie. The grass fox was terribly nervous. She was intimidated by the opposing Pokémons' sizes.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I-I'm scared." She said, stroking her leaf-like tail. "What if we lose?"

Lonnie looked at me with teary brown eyes. Arceus! What do I do?! I'm just a small and vulnerable Eevee to their eyes!

"I-It's gonna be alright..." I said, caressing her back. We're totally the opposite.

"I can't believe this is it!" Blake beamed.
I glared at him, and he knew why.

"Can you shut up for a while? Lonnie is taking it a little too hard. Why don't you try to calm her down instead?" I said.

Blake's cheeks turned a slight pink.


"Yeah, you."

Blake gulped and turned to Lonnie. I should've known that! He had a crush on her!

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