What Am I

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Katherine's P.O.V.

"Kila. What am I to you?"

"Why are you asking me that, Kate?" The mythical answers, tilting her head in wonder.

"Look, I'm not trying to hold any resent towards you. I just need you to tell me the truth." I told her. Her face fell after hearing those words I said. "Be honest with me. Am I just a tool that you can just throw away when you don't need it anymore? Am I just... nothing? What am I to you?"

Kila paused, breaking her gaze from me to turn to the ground. She gave a quiet sigh. "You're not really believing in Darkrai's words... are you?"

"No, of course not." I denied, still pondering my thoughts. "I just- don't know. After discovering what my parents had been through, and what Norsoe said, I feel like I'm starting to have doubts."

The Victini shakes her head and rested a petite paw to my cheek, making me gaze into her eyes.

"You're not worthless," She says, giving a small smile. "You're so much more than that. You're not a battle tool that we can just throw in to do the job for us; that's because you are a living being with a valuable soul. You're not also just a hero in a prophecy, but a person whom we can entrust our entire existence. That's what you are to me, Kate. Even Irazi agrees so."

I huffed, crossing my arms. "I don't believe you."

"But I really mean it Kate. I meant every single word I said. I wouldn't lie about anything like that; neither of us would. Please believe me." Kila pleads with watery eyes. It almost felt like she was going to cry.

"Thank you, Kila."


"Thank you, for being honest with a mortal like me. I mean, who am I to ask you all those questions? I'm just a tool after all, right?"

"But Kate-"

"Just face it, Kila. Almost everyone here thinks that heroes have it easy just because they're blessed by the legendaries and such. Little do they know that they're all just sent into battle with little guidance just to die by a monster's claws! Are we really just like what Norsoe said, that we're all just replaceable disposable tools that you can replace with new, stronger ones who you can just move on to and leave the past that includes the ones you abandoned?! There's just so much going on right now, Kila! So tell me right now, what am I to you?"

Kila inches away, her paws trembling as she dared not to look at me straight in the eye. She sighs, turning away.

"I'm sorry. I understand the reason why you acted that way. It happened... all because we made a mistake."

My ears shot up, eager to listen like children waiting to hear a faraway tale. I stared at her quietly. There were no other noises except for the dropping of leaves and the rustling of dry grass against my paws.

"Norsoe wasn't always like a monster. Like everyone else, there was good in him too. When he was born, we all treated him like family. At that time, we were at war against Giratina. Your parents were part of it Kate. They were some of the finest warriors we've ever had, and were never even replaceable to begin with."

"Tell me about them." I said, placing a paw on her shoulder. "What did really happen?"

"The reason Norsoe went astray is all because of us. We were so ignorant, selfish and inconsiderate that we didn't even realize we were shutting him out. After all, they say Pokémon who are placed high and mighty can never do wrong right? We've held on to that thought way too tightly; even your parents noticed it. "

"I am afraid that is correct." Irazi speaks. "And if it weren't for us... none of this would have ever happened. We sent your parents off without any guidance, thinking the seeds we have planted will manage to grow by themselves, where fate led them to their doom. We were horribly wrong for taking your most precious possession. We're really sorry for involving you with such things, child, we really are, but the damage has been done. I understand your oncoming hate and if you don't want to forgive us. Such acts of unjust cannot be excused."

I look at Kila, beginning to understand. The legends weren't as perfect as I've thought once as a child, them who fascinated me with their distinct variants. And now, I got to know them more, knowing the stories behind those seemingly perfect figures.

"No." I exclaimed, looking over at Kila. "I... understood you were just as scared as I am. Yes, Norsoe may be mistreated, but he chose his own path to darkness. He can only blame himself for drowning in his own hatred. I forgive you for trying to change, but I will never forget what you've done."

"Thank you... Kate!" Kila cried, embracing me. "We'll do what we can to help fix our own mistakes. We're going to fight with you, until the very end!"

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