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Jimin was indeed shocked as his mother had told him. 

Earlier that day, his mother couldn't help but tell him all the details about the girl and even told him he was going to be stunned by her beauty. 

He was stunned, not by her beauty but by the person who was going to be his wife. 

Someone he didn't even want to spend a second with. 

He knew he was getting married, but he didn't know who it was that he was getting married to. Still, he definitely didn't expect it to be Chaewon. 

He hated her. 

Back in college, she used to be his victim. Well, he bullied her for a cause. He accepted that he had a short temper, but no one gets away with it when an outsider speaks something bad about his loved ones. 

And that's what she did. Tried to mislead him to hate his girlfriend because she loved him. But once he had enough of her nonsense, he lost his temper and started bullying her miserably. 

But the case seemed so different from her side. Her friend only started falling for Jimin when she had confessed that she had a crush on the male. But her friend took it as a bet and tried to play with Jimin. Even if her intentions were real now, her friend never had the best intentions at the beginning. 

From his perspective, he thought she deserved it. After all, she was causing chaos in his life.

But Jimin could say, Chaewon has changed from back in college. She became more ladylike and has gotten more beautiful. 

Not that she could be compared with his girlfriend. He never was the one to fall for looks. 

Taking one last glance at his soon to be bride's figurine, Jimin looked at his mother and smiled. "You guys can go around trying dresses. I'm gonna be chilling on the couches,"

Jimin's mother nodded as she looked at Chaewon. 

"Anyways dear, have you already chosen one?" Jimin's mom enquired with hope. To that, Chaewon just nodded her head. 

Mrs. Min motioned the staff to take her in one of the tryout rooms. 

Soon after some time had passed , the young lady walked looking gorgeous to the eyes of the mother. . Mrs. Min with an awed expression called Jimin over, making him walk up to them per his mother's request.

He had to give it to her. She did look drop-dead beautiful. As he moved his eyes away from hers, he received a text message. 

'Jimin, where are you?' - Yoona

'I'm waiting for you in the cafe' - Yoona

Jimin - 'I'll be there soon love.'

Seeing that the ladies were busy in their own worlds, Jimin took it as his cue to leave them as his girlfriend waited for him at the cafe. 

His mother, too busy with Chaewon, didn't really acknowledge the absence of Jimin.

They bought the dress and drove back to Chaewon's house silently. 


Arriving at home, Chaewon quietly took the bag containing her dress and other accessories they bought from the same shop and other stores around the city, she walked into the house and up to her room. 

In her way, she met with her mom, but she didn't even speak a word to her mom and walked off, too tired to have a conversation with anyone and her mood a bit down after Jimin had entered her life once again. 

Mrs. Jung probably assumed that she was tired and wanted to sleep, so she left to give a company to her friend. 

Mrs. Min always had real gossip. 

While the moms chit chatted downstairs, Chaewon was confusingly staring at the dress. She had placed it onto the mannequin that her mom fixed up in her room earlier that day. 

The dress itself shined. It had to be made for someone special as it looked so perfect. But it definitely wasn't for her. 

She thought she was nowhere beautiful. Not that she lacked in self confidence, she pretty much thought that she was average. 

She couldn't believe she was getting married to her past love who she didn't mean anything to. 

Well, she knew a relationship with Park Jimin would take her on a difficult roller coaster ride.Still, she believed that things might work out and not stay the same forever. 

To be the bride of Jimin was going to be hard but she never thought that her life would take drastic turns making it almost impossible. 

She wondered how long she would be able to hold herself up in the tough storm aiming towards her life. 

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