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WARNING - Conatains mention of abuse and sadism.
Chaewon couldn't wait any longer. 

She felt her eyes close down but open back up to the slightest noise. 

She already has overdosed on five cups of coffee. Yet, sleep still didn't leave her. 

She's been waiting for her new husband since he's gone. 

She even prepared dinner for both of them. 

But it looked like he's not coming back tonight. 

So, she soon moved out from the living room and headed towards hers, wanting to feel the presence of her comfy bed. 

She stopped and looked back. 

'Checking for him once again won't hurt much, right?' she debated with herself and walked towards the front door. 

As soon as she held open the door, her eyes caught onto the moving figure standing in the driveway. 

She squinted her eyes as she struggled to recognize the person. But he soon came into the light flooding from the house, she was met with a manly drunken figurine of her husband.

Maybe, she expected it. 

"Jimin?" hesitantly, called the wife. 

"You! It's you!" Jimin exclaimed quite in a smugged tone. 

"The alcohol must have reached your head." Chaewon claimed as she lead him in. 

"Who are you?" her husband slurred at her. 

"Your wife," Chaewon sighed and raised an eyebrow. 

It happened in a blink of the eye. She was pushed on the ground and Jimin got really angry. 

"Yoonah," Jimin screamed her name. "She has the only right to be my Wife. Not you." 

"Jimin, I think you should go to bed," the young lady spoke quite nervously.

"You ruined my life Chaewon!" 

He leaned down and grabbed both of her hands. 

"Don't you know how unimportant you are here. 

You are not needed. And your parents? 

They sold you off to me. Why don't you get it?" 

Chaewon felt tears rush down her eyes and down her cheeks, making a trail of sorrow. 

"Why don't you just come up  with me?" Jimin spoke as he harshly pulled her up to her feet. 

Jimin himself didn't recognize himself. He felt sober. He was in his right mind. He knew what he was going to do was very wrong. But he wanted to do it. 

He found a new amusement in hurting Chaewon. One knew he started acting sadistic. 

He loved it when she was in main. Mentally or physically, he loved it. 

Jimin led her to an empty room with a table and a chair. 

"Chaewon, why don't you just die now?" Jimin asked innocently and switched on the lights.

Jimin ran into the kitchen, grabbed a knife and returned back to the room. 

Maybe he could have some fun. 

"Baby, where should we get started with?" Jimin smile as he licked the knife. 

"The hands, legs, abdomen, or face," Jimin grinned. "I need your help deciding." 


Author's note - It is a bit small than the other chapters, but I promise I'm gradually trying to increase the number of words.


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