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The emergency room's light turned on.
Yoonah was rushed into the emergency as soon as they got her in the hospital. Jimin sat in the waiting area, anxiously waiting as Chaewon paced around the room.

Even after knowing the truth, Yoonah was still her friend. She had her own responsibilities towards her.

After awhile, some of the nurses rushed out of the emergency room, ran off to somewhere, and ran back in.

Jimin's eyes filled with tears as he watched them rushing around. He wondered what was wrong with her.

When the doctor came out with his head bowed down, both the males knew that there was something wrong, perhaps someone not being able to live.

Taehyun was the first one to grab the doctor by the arms, and grimly ask a question.

"What is wrong with her, doctor?" Taehyun and Jimin, both braced themselves before the answer.

Standing far in the hallways, Chaewon hoped that she was alright. After all they were best friends. Memories rushed back to her. How this friend lying in the room, on the white sheets, were the one who back stabbed her in high school.

She's the one who forgave her, but her friend is the one who was liked by Jimin. She still had faith. She now realized how stupid she was. All those times, she held onto whatever she could to make him love her back.

But he was drugged by her friend.

Maybe they both were made for each other. And with that thought in her mind, she stepped out into the street, soon getting drenched because of the rain.

She had nowhere to go. Maybe this is how she was supposed to be. All alone.


Author's note - I know this is very small, but please await the next chapter. I'll publish it very soon. It's gonna be very messy.

Anyways, enjoy.


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