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As soon as the table was set, the bell rang indicating that there was someone waiting at the door.

Chaewon rushed to the door and peeked through the peephole of the wooden barrier and opened it up. Greeting Jimin with a smile, who wore a perfect formal outfit, she invited him into the house.

Earlier that day, Chaewon had talked to Jimin and invited him over as her grandma told her to do so for a family dinner.

He persisted on not really coming at her grandma's house but after she told him about how anxious her grandma has been to meet him, it changed his mind.

Jimin's eyes scanned the house as he took steps towards the couch in the middle of the spacious living area.

As he took a seat on the couch, his eyes moved to the old, nice looking lady who was probably in her late 60s walking down the stairs with a warm smile on her face.

Jimin returned the smile when their eyes met and walked up to her to meet her at the bottom of the staircase. He grabbed her left arm with his own one and draped his right arm over her shoulder, leading her towards one of the single sofa seats.

"Oh dear! You did not need to do that," she spoke in a gentle manner as he helped her to sit down. Then he moved towards the couch next to her and placed himself on it and he relaxed himself.

"How have you been, grandma?" Jimin tenderly spoke as he took both of her hands in his hands and rubbed them, showing off his care for her.

Jimin didn't want to deny that he actually felt like he was home. With all the homey feeling and Chaewon's grandma's warm smile, he felt happy that he didn't turn down the offer of coming here to meet up with her family.

Dinner was ready and soon, the family soon started to have their meals at the dining area.

It was silent.

No one started a conversation and at this point, everyone started feeling the awkward tense in the air and so, it was broken by Chseown's grandma.

With a smile like always on her face, she looked at Jimin as she set down the pair of chopsticks in her hand beside her plate and started talking.

"So, how is it between you both," The old woman asked, facing the couple who sat beside each other and only shuffled in their own seats out of nervousness while trying to find an answer.

Chaewon didn't want to lie to her grandma. She admits that she had already told her about the fights they had, leaving out the part where Jimin once almost killed her, but maybe her grandma thought they made up later on.

Whereas Jimin, his eyes darted towards Chaewon's grandma's lip where the smile she had was fading and soon might be turning into a frown.

He has liked her since their first talk. He never had much contact with his own grandma and so, he wanted love the moments he was with her.

"We are good. Truth to be said, we might not be lovers but we are good friends," Jimin spoke gently, as he had his own genuine smile on his lips as Chaewon only stared in disbelief at him.

Jimin glared at her when she tried to speak up and pinched her hand slightly for her to shut up. Chaewon slowly smiled at grandma as Jimin kept his glare on her from the side.

"Chaewon has grown up alot. I remember dreaming about her future in the daylights when she was in diapers," The elderly woman told Jimin as he only laughed slightly.

"She's such a woman now," Jimin joined in with her grandma in teasing Chaewon as she hit him slightly on his right arm and hid her face in her palms.

"Jimin, haven't your parents ever dreamed about you when they had you. I mean all parents do," Chaewon's grandma asked the young man who was sitting in front of him.

Jimin's ears turned red sooner than expected as he bit his lips nervously. He didn't get enough time to stop Chaewon from blurting out the next words.

"I've heard about the dream your mom had when she was going to have you," Chaewon told Jimin as she chewed on her food and moved her fork around in the air.

She quickly gulped down the food with water and pushed her empty plate further from her.

"Taehyun once told me that Jimin's mom dreamed about a chi-," Jimin's hand was soon clapped over her mouth to shut her up as he looked at her with warning eyes.

He didn't know how she came to know about this, but he sure was going to give Taehyun a good lesson.

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