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A chill ran down Park Chaewon's back as goosebumps rose on her body when she felt Jimin's cold fingers wrap around her.

She lost her voice as her eyes stared deep into his. She could not catch any signs of pity or sorry in his dead eyes. They looked so empty.

His hand pinched her small, fragile hand in his own big one leaving red marks and bruising them.

She started screaming out loud when Jimin brought the sharp knife closer and closer to her face. Her movements stopped when he placed the cold object on her cheek, sliding it down in a slow pace.

Her hopes were gone. Chaewon knew Jimin was going to give her an agonizing death.

The utensil slowly passed down her jaw, down her neck and cutting a bit there. She winced in pain and retracted but that only caused another cut on her collarbone. 

The blood flowing out made a trail down her collarbone which soon reached her shirt's collar and made its way under her shirt, staining the shirt in a crimson shade. 

She screamed for Jimin to stop. Instead, his fisted hand came in contact with her skin on the jaw near the lips, punching her face. Her lips busted open as a result. 

Tears rushed down her bruised cheeks and landed on her neck, the salty tears causing a burning sensation on the wound. 

She tried to remove her hands from his steel like grips but only felt him tightening it more and more. 

Park Jimin made an open cut as he stopped trailing the knife for a moment, admiring his work whilst the corner of his lips rose in a sickening smile, a little speck of her blood smeared on his cheek. 

Chaewon's cries of pain only went in vain as Jimin slowly made deep cuts on her abdomen and down her revealed thighs, smudging her crimson blood all over her body. 

Her sights getting blurry from all the tears that has left her eyes, but she could see how the knife slipped out of Jimin's grip and how his hands reached to touch the wounded. 

Her jaw hurt, a black-purple bruise showing it's color on her red skin. Jimin slowly reached for it with his hand, his hands slightly brushing over the wound he made, his fingertips covered with her blood. 

Her tears flowed down endlessly. Something was definitely wrong with her husband. Park Jimin ran to the sink, turning on the faucet, he washed his hands as fast as he could, like he knew what he did. 

He quickly grabbed a washcloth, soaking it up with water and then rinsing it. His hands were shaking as he held her arm in his hands. 

He slightly dabbed the cloth on the wounds he caused her, tears running down from his own eyes as he kept on apologizing over and over again. 

Sniffing, Jimin wiped off the blood on her hands as he ran to the cupboards to grab s first aid box. But he was met with no presence when returned back. Looked like Chaewon already limped her way up to her room. 

Jimin also made his way to his own one. 

He was really sorry.

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