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The bell chimed, which was hung on top of the door so that every time a customer or anyone walks in, it'll be notifies.

Chaewon was quite in a shock upon coming here. She would've never thought back that morning when they were just talking over the phone that Taehyun would ever invite to a place like this.

The cafe sent off quite a homey vibe. The fireplaces were quite with no woods burning in them as little chandeliers hung across the ceiling.

The windows were closed, but the plants kept in the big two story building was enough to keep the environment in the cafe cool enough.

It was almost always cold there in South Korea. Just a few summer days with the grizzling sun, a month or two and back again to that cold weather.

It felt just like the beginning of fall there in the time of spring.

Taehyun was sitting in the back on a comfy sofa seat with a table in front of the seat. His hand waved at her as a small smile appeared on his lips.

She soon realized it was him and returned the smile. Upon reaching, she hugged her cardigan to her body and set her bag on her lap.

"So what should I order for my lady," Taehyun asked with a mischievous glint evident in his eyes. Chaewon simply laughed and shooed him.

"Caramel Macchiato."

Taehyun laughed at her request and shook her head. He got off his seat and walked off to the front counter where an old lady served as the counter attendant.

She wrote down his order with a small smile on her face. "Girlfriend?" The lady questioned whilst keeping her eyes concentrated on the notepad.

"No. Just friend," replied Taehyun. The lady then headed to the back to pass on the order to the barista after taking his table number.

Taehyun wore a smile on his face as he headed back to Chaewon.

"You think it's a good idea to have coffee before we have our lunch," She asked with uncertainty in her voice.

"Oh, I think it's the best idea to do so," Taehyun spoke and chuckled at her. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

He started playing with one of the straws he took out of the holder. Chaewon hesitated. She couldn't find the right words to explain the situation to Taehyun.

"Tell me when you feel like you should, ok? No one's forcing you," Taehyun comforted her upon seeing her getting a little uneasy. She forced a smile and nodded.

Soon Taehyun heard their table number being called out and so he went up to the front and got their orders.

A Caramel Macchiato for Chaewon and a Cinnamon Latte for himself.

Taehyun passed over Chaewon her coffee as he sat down with his in hand. "So," He started, not sure for what to say.

"Jimin. I think he has some issues," Chaewon spoke as she stirred her coffee with a straw. In reply, Taehyun just raised his eyebrows, motioning her to speak forward.

"Mental issues. One second he is okay and the other, he starts acting like the world has betrayed him and gets angry," Chaewon ended with a sigh as she looked up at her friend.

"Yeah, I've noticed that too. After the marriage, he changed. A lot."

"You think it's my fault," She spoke in guilt as her eyes saddened.

"No. Definitely not," He shook his head. "It was the situation that made him this. But, get to the point."

Chaewon nodded. "I have a cousin. She's a psychiatrist and I have contacted her for Jimin." She stopped to look at Taehyun listening carefully to her.

"And I want you to take Jimin for a talk with her."

"Well, why don't you do it?" Taehyun pointed out to which she replied with a negative answer. "I can't. He won't come with me." She spoke as she forced a smile, a sad one, on her face.

"Hmm." Taehyun expressed and after that, none of them spoke anything and simply headed out with no question.

They stopped by McDonald's on their way home and ordered their lunch from there. They had quite the fast food for lunch, but no one was going to judge them at this point.

She didn't want the day to end that fast, yet it had. So, she left Taehyun's car after bidding him and thanking him for dropping her to her home.

"Now, all I want is to not deal with a drunk Jimin again," She whispered to herself as she unlocked the door and walked in.

"God!" She let out a small shout upon seeing the place all messed up and Jimin passed out on the couch as wine bottles were laid out on the floor and on the table.

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