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It's been exactly two weeks since all of those things have taken place. Chaewon was back at her mother's house after she was discharged from the hospital and Taehyun came over almost everyday to meet her and keep her company.

And Jimin. He has been locked up in the cell for the past two weeks.

Chaewon looked into the large mirror in her room, trying to find some strength in her. It was the day of Jimin's first trial. She didn't know what she would be up against. She was confident about all the things ;the evidence and her lawyer, but now that she was standing straight and looking deep into her soul through her eyes, she could only find emptiness and void.

She felt cold and scared. Scared, if everything goes wrong and Jimin is released from the lockup and comes back to her. At this point, she didn't even want that to be the last choice she would have and if death was an option, she would rather choose that happily.

Her body tensed up as Taehyun peeked into her and then finally widely opened the door before inviting himself in.

He moved towards the woman in the front and went behind her and grabbed her by the shoulders, pressing and squeezing them comfortably, releasing all the tension from them.

His fingers brushed on top of her forehead and gently rubbed the creases and hugged her from the back.

"Please stay calm. I promised to stay by you while you're going through all of this and I give the surety that I'm not gonna disappoint you," Taehyun spoke to her as he turned her around and patted her head, treating her like a kid.

"I know, I know." Chaewon let out lowly before hugging him for comfort. "It's just me."

"Let's go. We need to be there on time," Taehyun reminded as he grabbed onto her hand in an act of comforting her. "Stay strong, Chaewon."

Chaewon smiled a bit, even if it was forced, she did it for her friend and walked out of the house with him.

Earlier when he arrived at her place, he brought his car along as they didn't want to wait for a car or spend money on calling a cab.

Taehyun smiled at her through the rear mirror as she buckled in her seat belt and felt ready to see Jimin once again, but this time he won't be able to hurt her like the last time.

She was being careful with every single moment as her internal wounds weren't totally healed as she has been healing really slowly for her mental state. The doctor had advised her before she was discharged to actually clear out her mind as your physical state depends on your mental state.

But after all of the things that she had to go through, she now felt like she was winning against the bad in her life.

Now that she knew she was safe as Jimin couldn't hurt her anymore, she was relieved.

Upon arriving at the court, she got out of the car as her body started to tremble. Even if she had been  cheering herself on and fighting against her fear, it had returned when she knew how close to her the reality was now.

All these days in the two weeks, she could only wait for the moment to arrive, feeling not as much as scared as she is now as she hadn't been in the moment in the past days but now that she is actually facing the reality of the awaited moment, the fear had gotten much bigger than before.

Taehyun came over at her where she was standing and held her close as he budged her towards the steps of the stairs.

They met her lawyer in front of the gate with a file in his hands and escorted them to the trial room.

The judge still hadn't arrived so both Taehyun and Chaewon took a seat in the front beside the Chaewon's mother as Jimin's family was seated behind them with many other people here to watch the trial.

Soon from the corner of her eyes she saw the judge entering the room while talking with a lawyer she guessed was offending Jimin.

Her hands started sweating out of nervousness. Taehyun noticed and so he took her hands in his own ones and tried to relieve the stress building up in her body.

The judge took a seat on his chair and everyone awaited his orders.

"Bring the guilty one in," The judge called down as he looked straight in the front with a poker face on, showcasing no emotions.

All heads turned towards the small door on the side of the room which opened from the other side as an officer stepped in the room while holding the door open for the rest to enter. Two more officers stepped in but they had Jimin with them too.

His hand cuffed in the back as his head lowered with two officers on his side and two behind him, making sure he makes zero attempt to run and even if he does, he wouldn't be able to escape their grasp.

Her eyes had tears building up in them as she saw her loved one standing in a form of prisoner with his head bowed down.

He looked up as their eyes met and he just scoffed at her ugly state. She looked pale with only only a tint of color to her lips and slight red color in the deep corner of her eyes.

Her lips trembled upon seeing him watching her in disgust as Taehyun's jaw clenched and his hand turned into a fist.

They had no idea about how many trials Jimin had to go through for Chaewon to win the case, but she really wanted it to end in the first trial.

The officers forced Jimin to take a seat as beside him sat the doctors that were supposed to test for him and take care of him. The male psychologist was assigned to this case after the police heard about Jimin's mental problems from Taehyun.

Soon, the first trial began.


Author's note - Hello my fellow friends. Finally, we've reached the end of the book. One more chapter and it'll end. Thanks to all the readers who have stuck to the end. How many of you can guess the ending? Let me know in the comments.


Thank you for the 30k+ reads and 1k+ votes. It really means a lot to me to see you guys supporting me.

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