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Jimin was clearly in need of comfort, but after seeing Chaewon - his faithful wife taking small and slow steps towards him, he made it seem like he didn't want or need anyone's presence in order to comfort him.

Discouraged, the young lady thought of going back to the waiting room where Taehyun was waiting. Maybe she could just sit there and wait for any doctor to come out with a news; either a good or bad one.

But the devil spoke in her. Maybe this was an easy opportunity for her tok take the place that is now illegally belonging to her dying friend.

Questions rose in her. How could she even take that someone's place when she legally couldn't even make hers.

All she ever wanted was her consort to love her back just the way she did; relentlessly and with no regrets.

The thought of taking an unfair use of the situation built guilt in her towards her own self, but the worst in her screamed at her to do it.

Jimin was hers. But at the same time, he wasn't. His heart, and mind belonged to someone else.

Jimin was sitting on one of the seats in the cafeteria, his hands folded on the table as his head was placed in between that. He looked very fragile. One wrong move, and it'll shatter him right away.

Jimin thought that Chaewon had left, but he was very wrong.

He felt a hand resting on his shoulder and squeezed it very gently. He turned his head to side to look at who it was while his head was still placed in between his folded hands.

He lifted his head up and placed his own hand on top of hers, gripped it tight and forcefully took her hand off and released it.

"Leave," Jimin commanded as he himself got up from the seat.

"Jimin wait. I...I just wanted to comfort you, and talk to you," Chaewon spoke as her words turned into a whisper at the end, still Jimin managed to hear. "A normal conversation only, Jimin."

To Jimin, Chaewon looked pathetic and her pleading eyes made her look more filthy than ever. He didn't care about anything related to her.

"A normal conversation?" Jimin mocked as he smirked at her. "Please be not pathetic anymore, you're just embarrassing yourself," Jimin spat out as he turned around and started walking away.

She followed him out.

'This is now, or never,' Chaewon thought.

Once they both turned around the corner, they ended up in an empty hall.

Chaewon paced up and strode towards Jimin, grabbed onto his wrist and made him face her. She couldn't take it anymore. Salty tears ran down from her eyes on her red cheeks as her hand rose up to rub them away, only hurting herself more.

"I need answers Jimin."

"Why?" She questioned which confused Jimin a bit. What did she even mean by that?

"Why? Why does it always have to me?" She sobbed as she continued. "I'm the one who loved you first, then why is it me that you hate the most?"

"I'm the one who took good care of our friendship, but she had to break it by making you fall for her. Why is it me that always suffers?" Chaewon kept reasoning.

It struck Jimin now. She had never caused any harm to him or Yoonah, but the stories Yoonah fed him made him change his perspective towards Chaewon. He felt as if this was injustice to his wife, but he still couldn't think of her as a good person.

"Who has been there for you Jimin all this time after our marriage?" She asked as she herself knew the answer, and so did Jimin.

Jimin realized that she was with him willingly whilst he wonky pushed himself on Yoonah. It seems all so wrong now. Every single thing he thought was right was now all wrong.

"But after all these years, it's not very easy to forget about the feelings I have for you," Jimin barely let the words be out of mouth but the silence made it all very clear to listen.

Smack! A loud slap echoed off the empty wall of the hospital. It sounded very harsh, and it sure did leave a burning effect on Jimin's cheek. His hand immediately reached over to his cheek and held it.

"I hate you Jimin," Chaewon spoke and ran away from him. All she wanted to do was jump off a cliff and end her life, but she couldn't do that. Her feet didn't stop till she was out of the hospital building and soon, she hailed a cab and rode home.

This was it. She was leaving.

Whereas, Jimin's phone started ringing in his back pocket. He pulled it out and stared at the screen as Taehyun's name flashed on the screen. He answered the call fast and held it on his left ear.

Clearing his throat, he waited for Taehyun to say something.

"Jimin, come quickly. Yoonah....the doctors said she can't make out alive." The words of Taehyun hit Jimin like a truck.

'This can't be happening,' Jimin thought as he rushed out of the hall.


Author's note - Sorry for the late update. School amde me very busy so it took me very long to write this. I hope you guys like this.

Thank you.

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