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Jimin left early for a walk to calm his mind from all of the things that have been going on in his mind.

Before leaving, he remembered to grab a water bottle and a towel just in case he went for a run. Stepping out, the morning breeze of the spring hit him as it brought a cool feeling to him.

He could see the rain that lasted a few hours in the night had left some puddles down the sides of the roads as he managed to not step in one of them.

He reached the park he loved spending time the most with Yoonah and heaved out a long sigh. No matter what he did, she isn't coming back. So he thought of letting it go.

But the more he tried, the more he couldn't. Her pictures and their memories started filling up his mind like a river flowing with a very strong current.

Her every voice pondering in his mind and stabbing him deep in the chest. He couldn't take it anymore. So he busied himself with the thing he could.

He tightened the electric band around his left wrist as he clicked on the bottom as the time showed on the screen.

Setting a timer for fifteen minutes, he left his water bottle on one of the benches.

He realized there was currently no one in the park as it was quite early and the sky seemed to gloomy. Maybe it would accompany him in tears today.

Taking in a deep breath, he aimed forward and started to run. The faster he got, the more memories and thoughts rushed into his mind.

All the things that have been disturbing him for a while were soon out of his brain as he started reliving the moments with Yoonah in his mind, the days before his marriage.

It's been five months since he has been married to Chaewon. She didn't seem bad, but she was the one he wanted. The closest she was to him was friends. The friends you would only like to have a talk or two with.

He pitied her at the same time. He knew she loved him relentlessly even after basically knowing his dark side, but he couldn't. He, maybe, can never even reciprocate her feelings.

He thought of starting to believe her more as a friend while he knew nothing about what his wife was planning on doing.

Back at the house, Chaewon stopped from eating her breakfast the moment the call went straight to voicemail.

Her cousin, she was a psychiatrist. Chaewon needed to contact her for some reasons, but all the calls she was trying to connect through with her were going to voicemail.

She left the breakfast uneaten on the tabletop as she moved towards her room for a shower. She needed to meet her today and it was important. She felt as if Jimin was so in need of help.

She dialed in another number as she waited for the call to be picked up as it started ringing.

"Hey Taehyun, I need your help with something," Chaewon was the first one to speak as soon as the call was accepted for the other side.

"What is it?"

"It's about Jimin," Chaewon walked into her closet searching for some clothes to wear throughout the whole day. "Let's meet up. It's quite important."

"Sure, I'll text you the time and the address," Spoke Taehyun from the other side and hung up the call after biding her a 'goodbye'.

The wife grabbed a towel and set her phone down on the bedside table in her room and walked into the bathroom for a shower.

A while later, Jimin walked into his room silently and took off his running shoes and walked into the bathroom to freshen up.

He splashed the cool water on his face in an attempt of calming down his racing heart. His ears and brain felt holt as his sight started blurring.

Jimin inhaled deep breaths and the effect of the run was dying out, bringing Jimin back into his normal state.

He got to admit, he ran for a long time without taking a break.

He rubbed his face with the towel which was earlier hanging around his neck. He grabbed his water bottle and drank water as he fished out his phone from the back pocket.

He checked if there were any new messages, but there were none.

He threw the device on the bed and sat himself on the bed.

Meanwhile, coming out of the shower, Chaewon received two messages from somebody. The first one reading the time and address for the meet up and second one was just a bye with a heart emoji.

She sighed as she heard Jimin's room's door shut. She headed out after putting on some comfy clothes and started making lunch.

It was quite early for lunch. But as she decided to have lunch with Taehyun instead of having it at home, she decided to cook for Jimin.

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