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The news itself was a big shock to Jimin as his body started trembling soon after the news has been broken to him. His body involuntarily letting go of Taehyun's, and started walking backwards until he hit the wall behind him. 

Taehyun slowly approached him as his friend slid down the wall and sat on his legs. Taehyun lowered himself and patted Jimin's back.

"It is hard for me too, but right now, we need to think of how to save her," Taehyun spoke as he tried to be strong. "The operation has to be done as soon as possible and I've already finished the formalities."

"What if they can't save her, Taehyun? I can't live without her," Jimin asked and expressed with tears pooling in his eyes. Taehyun nodded as he gave his friend a big hug. "We all can't live without her."

That evening the doctor set the time for Yoonah's operation which would be done by the end of this week. 

Taehyun was scared. He did not know how to break the news to his sister. Yoonah would've never expected the worst of the worst things to happen to her. Well, no one would actually. 

But it already happened. She was sick, and if she isn't cured soon, she might die. 

Taehyun slowly walked into the lowly dimmed room and closed the door behind him. A little earlier, Jimin has left as he had to go back home. He couldn't bring himself up to meet Yoonah. 

His steps were slow and silent, but somehow they seemed to wake Yoonah up. 

"I woke you up, didn't I?" Taehyun asked as he sat on the side of the bed. Yoonah shook her head as a response to his question. 

"I was already up. Can't sleep and I feel bad," Her words made Taehyun hug her and pull her closer to his body. Her body was a little colder compared to his own. 

"It's fine dear, everything is going to be fine," Taehyun spoke the words of comfort as he held onto the sick girl's shoulders as he stared straight into her eyes. 

"You need to know about something." 

Yoonah nodded and straightened her back, concentrating on her older brother. "You are sick, Yoonah," Taehyun's spoken words brought confusion to Yoonah. 

"I know I'm sick, that's why I'm here in the hospital," Yoonah's naiveness made Taehyun feel bad. "You are seriously sick Yoonah. You have brain cancer." 

Silence. Pure silence. 

No one spoke anything any further. 

Whereas in the house of the married couple, things weren't going well either. 

Jimin came in through the front door and ignored Chaewon who was setting up the dining table with the dinner she made while Jimin was out visiting the hospital. 

Chaewon immediately knew something was wrong with him. So, she let him be. She'll ask later. 

Jimin went into his own room and locked the door from the inside. He took a quick, warm shower and headed out for dinner. He needed to be strong. Strong enough to support Yoonah. 

Chaewon was a little shocked yet happy upon seeing Jimin enter the kitchen. 

She served him his own plate as she sat down on the chair with her own. "You must be happy right? Yoonah has cancer.

Chaewon stopped chewing the food in her mouth as she heard the news.


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