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Jimin wasn't expecting it. He was woken up by the loud bangings on the front door which startled him and as a result, he came crashing down to the ground from the not so comfy couch. He rubbed his head as he felt a sharp sting.

Honestly, Jimin didn't know why he drank when he knew what he was going to go through the nest morning.

He realized that the person who woke him up with constant bangings was already standing in the hallway.

"How'd you get in," Jimin questioned as he leaned against the couch and laid out his legs in front of him. His eyes glanced at the clock to see the time. It was past 12 already.

"Oh, Chaewon texted the pass code when I asked her for it," The man replied and invited himself into the joint living room.

"Where is she?" Jimin looked up at the man as he started getting up from the position. He moved over to the kitchen area and Taehyun tagged along like a lost puppy.

"Office, maybe," Taehyun replied to Jimin as he wanted spark up a conversation that Chaewon relied on him with.

"Jimin, you've been drinking a lot lately. Don't you think you should stop," Taehyun said while sitting on one of the tools and grabbed an apple from the fruits' basket.

"Yeah. I was kinda thinking the same," Jimin paused speaking and played with the glass of water he was holding onto.

"But try understanding me Taehyun, I have been going through a lot of stress and depression and your sister's death, it's making me worse."

"That's why I'm saying, let's see a doctor for you. Maybe a psychiatrist might be able to help for depression," Taehyun advuced to which the other male only shook his head.

"No," A stern rejection left Jimin's mouth as he stared upon Taehyun's features. His eyes pleaded Jimin to rethink about it and so, he said he would.

Taehyun let out a sigh as he convinced Jimin to atleast think about what he had just recommended.

So after their talk ended, he skipped to Jimin's room and connected Xbox to the controller and the computer.

Jimin followed Taehyun and stood still in the doorway. "Come on, let's play something," Taehyun motioned his hand as he invited Jimin in to play with him.

Jimin smiled a bit and sat down next to Taehyun in front of the computer screen. "Loser has to treat to dinner," Jimin laughed as he grabbed a controller.

8 pm.

Taehyun has texted Chaewon about how their plan was being successful.

'Some more days, and Jimin will be just alright,' Chaewon hoped as she smiled reading the text Taehyun sent a minute ago.

She thought of replying but let the thought slide as she was driving at the moment. She stopped by a not so fancy restaurant and bought dinner for Jimin and her.

Chaewon didn't know if Jimin would like what she has bought but still expected him to.

Soon, she reached the place she called her home and parked in the parking lot. Making sure that she has locked her car, she saw Taehyun getting out of the building as he whistled his way to his car.

Chaewon ran up to him and snuck behind him in an attempt to scare him. But sadly, she wasn't even close to surprising him with her existence as he had already noticed.

"Oh, hey Chaewon," He greeted and wore his infamous box smile. Chaewon greeted back and put on a pouty face as she walked behind him.

"What's with the face?" Taehyun questioned as he sat on the hood of his car that was parked a little far from the other cars.

He patted next to him and Chaewon shook her head as she only leaned against it.

"I wanted to scare you," She whispered.

Taehyun laughed out loud which only angered Chaewon. She slapped him on the back as he bent it forward from the impact.

His face didn't show much comfort and he only winced in pain. It was Chaewon who was the one laughing now and soon, Taehyun joined in too.

Both of them unknown to the fact that Jimin was standing in front of the window of their living room and was acknowledging all the acts that were unfolding in front of him.

They both seemed just more than friends to him. So, he shut the curtains and strode to his room.

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