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Jimin and Taehyun were the first ones to arrive at the mourning hall. Stepping inside, their eyes first fell on the photograph of Yoonah.

Staring at the smiling photo of Yoonah caused their chests to clench painfully and all those memories began to flood inside their minds.

Tearing their gaze off of the photograph, they turned their heads to face Yoonah's parents. The middle aged couple leaned against the wall as their eyes shone due to tears, reflecting the grievances within them. The couple's pale and sickly features showed what they have been going through during this time period.

Jimin took a seat next to them and patted their backs in order to comfort them.

Soon after, people started filling the hall as they came with flowers and with pitiful looks on their faces.

Taehyun stared at Chaewon removing her shoes and entering the hall. Her feet moved towards the picture of Yoonah set on a counter and placed the flowers beside it. She bowed once in front of the photo and moved aside.

Taehyun decided to go talk to her, but before he could, Chaewon noticed Jimin in the corner of the room talking to someone.

She approached him from the back and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"How are you? You have been home the past few days," Chaewon spoke up as her voice slightly broke in between. Jimin faced the ground, guilt evident on his face.

"I'm sorry. Can we go back home and talk?" Jimin pleaded as he patted her back and went out.

After the mourning, people started leaving the place. Jimin and Chaewon also bid Yoonah's parents and Taehyun and got into the car Chaewon brought.

Jimin looked out the window from the passenger seat as Chaewon only focused on driving at the moment.

A comfortable silence between them.

But, Jimin had broken it by being the first one to speak. "I'm sorry for what I've done all these past years."

The husband lowered his head as guilt hit him.

"I'm sorry too. I should've supported Yoonah and you but instead, I tried coming in between," Chaewon apologized in a low voice.

She always thought until this day that it was her friend's fault. But no one had the power to play with lucks and hearts.

"Let's start over. I'll try being more careful and gentle. I promise."

Jimin's words shook Chaewon, but still, she agreed with a small smile on her face.

Maybe heaven decided to listen to her wish for once.


Author's note - I'm very sorry for the small and rushed chapter. But this is kind of a filler chapter with some sad and sweet moments. The book is going to end soon and I want to thank all of you who are supporting me and have supported till now.

Love you all. Xoxo

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