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It's been a day since all those incidents took place. From Yoonah ending up in the hospital to Chaewon going to her house all depressed and comforted by Taehyun to Jimin showing affections towards his wife. 

Yoonah stared straight out the open window. The sun has just started to rise. Turning her head to her other side, she saw Taehyun sleeping on the couch while he kept as turned and tilted on the uncomfortable hospital couch. 

A frown formed on her pale lips as she caught sight of the IV going up her left arm. She felt her hand gone numb. Yoonah really wanted to leave the place and go back to the warmth of her house. 

She so wanted to be in the arms of her lover. But Jimin had different responsibilities for a different person now. What hurt her the most was how he was now legally only her friend's and not her own. 

She felt lonely all alone. 

There was a sudden knock on the door. Yoonah's eyes moved to the door as it opened up from the other side. The doctor that was in charge of Yoonah's walked in followed by a nurse who had a clipboard grasped in her hands. 

Taehyun woke up and sat up straight while clearing out the wrinkles which were formed due to sleep. He stood up from the couch, and walked up to the doctor who stood in front of Yoonah and started examining her. 

"So doctor, what's wrong with her? Taehyun question the doctor as he placed one of his hands on his sister's head, rubbing it in a back to forward motion. 

"I need to talk to you personally," The doctor spoke his words and headed out and into his office. 

"Yoonah, I'm gonna be back soon. Don't worry, I bet there's nothing wrong with you," Taehyun said hopeful words to Yoonah as she grabbed his hands and shook her head. 

Taehyun didn't want to leave her younger sister all alone, but he knew he had to. So, that's what he did. He removed her hands which were grabbing his and walked away and out the door without sparing her another glance because he knew, if he did look at her, he couldn't leave her alone for now. 

There was Taehyun standing in front of the door to the doctor's office as he contemplated for a while. But after a little later he knocked on the door and waited for a response from inside the room. 

The doctor called him inside and told him to sit down on one of the chairs in front of his desk. The doctor sighed as he closed the reports of his other he was looking at before Taehyun came in. 

"You're Yoonah's brother, right?" The doctor questioned as he moved a little forward, propped up his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his upright folded wrists. 

Taehyun nodded as an answer. 

"She is very sick," The doctor commented as he leaned back. Stress visible through the wrinkles forming on his forehead. "She is suffering from brain cancer, stage 2."

Taehyun felt as if he got his by a truck. He was shook. He had mixed emotions at the moment, and didn't know what to feel. He didn't feel like crying. 

"I'm sorry, but what did you say?" The words involuntary left his mouth as Taehyun stared at the doctor. "I know this is quite a shocking news for you, but we need to perform an operation as soon as possible."

The doctor signaled the nurse and she handed some documents to Taehyun. Taehyun looked at the doctor in confusion. "These are some formalities which are mandatory to be filled," The doctor spoke as he looked through some other documents. 

Taehyun filled out the documents and left the room. He felt like being close to Yoonah. 

He saw Jimin standing in front of his sister's hospital room when he arrived. Jimin went closer to his friend and gave him a hug.

"Yoonah is suffering from brain cancer," Taehyun whispered. 

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