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Chaewon woke up from the noises coming from the room down the hallway of their house, Jimin's room. Her eyes went over to the clock hung on the wall opposite to the window, which was illuminated by the moon.

2:15 am.

Questions wondered in her head. 'What is he doing at this time,' She thought as she let her feet touch the ground as she got off her bed. She opened her bedroom door and was startled from the creaking noise.

"This isn't some horror movie, right?" She questioned herself as she searched for the light switch.

Thunders could be heard from the outside as the lightnings stretched far to the ground. She was starting to believe that this might have turned into a thriller movie.

She flicked the light switch but nothing seemed to have changed. Chaewon realized there was a power cut. "Lovely," She whispered, again to nobody particularly.

The steps taken by her were slow and cautious, almost too slow that she moved an inch per step. "Or maybe a thief, or maybe, a robber broke in."

She straightened up and stood still as she started thinking. She turned back on her feet and instead, moved towards the kitchen.

As soon as she got there, she made sure to grab onto a firm steel pan and with that in her hand, she proceeded towards Jimin's bedroom.

A small illuminating glow was seeping out the small gap between the bottom of the door and the floor. She turned the knob as she pushed open the door.

Her hand automatically set the pan on the table near the door upon entering his room. Her eyes searched for the source of the glow and landed on the panicked Jimin frantically looking for something while his phone's flashlight was turned on.

His movement stilled as his eyes landed on the messy haired Chaewon. Jimin involuntarily held his hand, which had the phone in it, towards Chaewon, blinding her for a second.

She reacted and brought her arm up to cover her eyes which made Jimin realize what he was doing. He quickly set down his phone on the table after turning off the flashlight and mumbling a small 'sorry' to her.

The moon now illuminates both the figures as heavy wind came in through the opened window which the husband rushed towards to close.

"What were you looking for?" Questioned the young maiden as she took steps closer to her husband.

"A necklace. It was given to me by Yoonah," Jimin spoke as his eyes darted towards the wall behind her. "I think I've lost it," He spoke half-heartedly.

"Or someone might have stolen it out of jealousy." Jimin's eyes glared at Chaewon as only a confused look was settled upon her facial features whilst her eyes showed nothing but pure confusion.

"What are you trying to intend on, Jimin?" She questioned as she took steps closer to him in an attempt to calm him down from his raging self.

"Oh, you know what I am talking about."

The reply almost itself hurt her a lot but the expression was near killing her mentally. She hated it how he still doubted her when he was the one who wanted to start anew.

"Jimin, why would I do that? In fact, we were supposed to be on the good terms, not that I'm saying that the necklace isn't important, but you can't just straight up blame it on me," She spoke in a breath, afraid Jimin might not give her another chance to argue back.

"Right," Jimin sighed as he looked down at the floor. "I think I'm going crazy. Leave to your own room, Chaewon."

Chaewon stared at him, amazed at how he changed his behavior suddenly, there has to be something wrong with that. She, at this point, started thinking that Jimin was quite acting as if he was a bipolar.

She wanted to talk to him, for good, but she let that be on rest. First, she needs to try and get closer to her husband at the moment when she has the chance to.

With that in mind, she got the cue to leave and whispered a soft 'goodnight' to Jimin before turning around and exiting.

She needed to get some sleep and also, let him get some sleep too. They were practically looking dead from the lack of sleep for the past two weeks and drained from energy.

She didn't need to worry about walking early or something. Chaewon had a break from work and Jimin won't wake up that early either. She knew from the smell of his breath.

The moment she saw tonight in his distorted, almost drunk self, she knew how much Yoonah meant to him and that the fact that she'll never be as important as Yoonah to Jimin, made her mind hate the dead friend.

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