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Since the day the incident has taken place, the married couple haven't talked, or better said, they haven't met. Jimin packed some clothes in a backpack, and moved out to live with Yoonah.

His girlfriend came back saying that she was busy for the past week and wasn't there in the country. But little did Jimin know, she was lying.

Kim Taehyun and Kim Yoonah were siblings. There sudden disappearance did cause a confusion in Jimin's mind, but he soon got over it and was back to living like normal.

But it wasn't really that normal.

He was still a married man and is still married to someone who he hates. The memories of their wedding flashing in his head as Park Jimin drove to the company. They had arranged an annual party before the holiday break.

His eyes stared at the cold ring that was wrapped around his fingers.

"Oh, how I wish I could get out of this," Jimin spoke, practically to no one, in despair.

As the traffic lights turned back to green, Jimin drove off in the swarm of cars and headed to his office. Maybe, he could get rid of some of the tension with the help of the careless mood of the party.

After parking the car in the parking lot of the building, the young man stepped out. He was greeted by his friend's presence. They gave each other a hug, and both made their way into the building as the staff bowed their heads at Jimin.

Taehyun led the way as they decorated the fourteenth floor of the building, throwing an almost surprise annual party to Jimin.

Except for the fact that Jimin didn't know what was waiting for him.

The duo stepped into the elevator, Jimin pressed onto the button for the fourteenth floor as the friend keep on babbling about how it was his idea to throw a surprise annual party for Jimin which kind of flopped.

But neither of them knew that the staff kind of messed around with the guest list.

The elevator dinged open and noises came in. Jimin shook his head as he stepped into the decorated hallway that led to an open reception area.

The entire floor had been decorated, and the reception desk where sat a phone and sometimes stack of papers was full of drinks and desserts instead.

The music played loud while the staff all around the place, chatting and some swaying to the music. It's like they all left their worries and now is engulfed in a moment of carelessness.

Taehyun soon called Yoonah over to them. She strode carefully through the people and walked up to Jimin, pecking his cheeks and giving him a warm hug.

The other male pouted playfully.

"Someone forgets their brother when their boyfriend is around," Taehyun spoke as he sighed, all of it done in a playful tone.

Yoonah just ignored her more of an annoyance than a brother and stared into Jimin's eyes. "I missed you Jimin."

Her boyfriend hugged her tightly as a response, and Yoonah snuggled up. But something else caught his else, well, more like someone else. A lady wrapped in the arms of an older male.

He recognized her. It was Chaewon.

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