Chapter 937

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The Emperor's mind was very capable and immediately understood what Feng Yu Heng's words meant. He looked at Concubine Liu, who was laying in bed, then thought about the Liu family before nodding: "Then let's just do it like that! Whether it's for Concubine Liu or the Liu family, We feel that everything should be done. Now, it will just depend on whether the Liu family will accept it." After saying this, he stood up and did not take another look at Concubine Liu. He just had a tired expression, as he grabbed Zhang Yuan's supporting hand, saying: "Let's go back! A-Heng, you can also go back! Come with Us. The matter of the treatment will officially begin tomorrow."

Feng Yu Heng complied and followed the Emperor out; however, she did not even leave a single bit of medicine for the sick Concubine Liu.

The Emperor was returning to Zhao He Hall, and Feng Yu Heng accompanied him the entire way. Feng Yu Heng and Zhang Yuan supported him from both sides, and she spoke a bit more about Concubine Liu's medical condition; however, there were slight differences from earlier. She said: "Father Emperor, Her Highness Concubine Liu's illness is considered a chronic illness. Based on daughter-in-law's judgment, it has persisted for at least five or six years. The recent developments have happened a bit too quickly and cannot be considered normal."

She had spoken rather tactfully, but the words "cannot be considered normal" allowed the Emperor to immediately understand the underlying matter. He snorted, as his body slightly trembled. In the end, however, he did not speak and only let out a long sigh. He then said: "It has been like this since the olden times. For the sake of fighting for power, people were capable of doing all manners of things. And it was not enough that one person was doing these things, they would form factions to have even more people participate. When the Liu family had taken the initiative to request that you come into the palace to take a look at Concubine Liu's illness, We felt that something was a little off, but seeing Concubine Liu that sick, We became hotheaded and agreed. A-Heng, be careful. You must not fall for their tricks. We are old, yet I happened to have so many sons. How great would it have been to have had some daughters. This palace would also not be so quiet."

Any time that the Emperor brought up this topic, he would feel extremely emotional. Even the two supporting him from the side could clearly feel an aura of sorrow surround him. In truth, the Emperor was only in his early 60s. In the modern world, he was not considered very old, but in this era, he was truly very old. In addition to this, he had participated in many battles when he was younger and ended up with a number of illnesses. After being a ruler for a few decades, he would have an endless number of things to worry about. His vitality had been hollowed out long ago. With each year that he continued to survive, his age would become even more apparent. There was nothing that could be done about it.

Feng Yu Heng wanted to properly help recover the Emperor's health, but this aging emperor was rather obstinate. He was unwilling to take the medicine that had been given to him to supplement his health on time. There were times when he was stubborn and thought of himself as a young man and would train a bit in the palace. It was such that his health could not recover properly, thus she gave up on that idea and simply allowed things to progress naturally.

She personally sent the Emperor back to Zhao He Hall then personally prepared some tea to help calm him down. Zhang Yuan gave it to the Emperor and watched him fall asleep. Only then did he escort Feng Yu Heng out of the palace. When they left the grand hall, he finally asked something that had been on his mind the entire time: "Will Princess not take a look at the prescribed medicine that Concubine Liu has been taking this entire time? Just now, you said that there might be some problem with the progression of the illness. Could the problem have something to do with the medicine?"

Shen Yi Di Nu (873 to 1073) Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)Where stories live. Discover now