Chapter 967

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Just a Crazy Person

It had to be said that the person most surprised by Feng Fendai's arrival was Imperial Concubine Li because she did not send an invitation to Feng Fendai. She truly could not understand what this person wanted to do by coming without being invited.

Imperial Concubine Li stared at Feng Fendai until she arrived before her. Taking another glance at the child that had come with her, he had dark skin and looked quite cute, but anyone being led around by Feng Fendai would be impossible to like. Imperial Concubine Li even felt a bit annoyed.

Because this banquet had been hosted without proper decorum, Imperial Concubine Li had already been feeling a bit unhappy from hearing the complaints. With Feng Yuheng deliberately distancing herself and sitting with Xuan Tiange, she could not even get close to try and become more intimate. Imperial Concubine Li had a belly full of anger and no place to vent it. Seeing Feng Fendai come in with this child, she immediately got in the mood to vent.

Just as Fendai came to a stop and before she could salute, she heard Imperial Concubine Li's cold voice asking: "What did you come for? Who allowed you into the palace? What sort of place do you take the Imperial Palace for? A girl without rank or title coming as she pleases, who exactly is giving you such confidence!"

Once these words came out, Feng Fendai immediately burst into laughter, and this laughter was extremely unrestrained. The giggling caused Feng Yuheng to believe that this girl had been possessed by Han shi, but Feng Fendai's laughter could occasionally resemble Han shi; however, when she spoke, it was wildly different from her mother's charming tone. Imperial Concubine Li did not like her, but she did not mind, as she also did not like Imperial Concubine Li. She only sought out Imperial Concubine Li to make use of her, and this relationship had already begun to carry a threatening tone. She said: "Whether or not I can come into the Imperial Palace is not up to Your Highness. At the same time, there's no need to report anyone entering and exiting the palace to an imperial concubine. The reason that I can enter the palace and the one giving me confidence is definitely the fifth prince. What is it, does Your Highness have any objections?"

Imperial Concubine Li also knew that what she had just said was too lacking in skill. That was just how she was. She herself did not have many ideas, and she was always easy to get incited. When incited, the things that she said would not have much thought put into them. At present, Feng Fendai had found a fault with them, and this left her looking a little deflated. But she was still able to force herself to squeeze out: "This One is speaking about Zhang Ning Palace! Who allowed you to come in?"

Fendai blinked a bit, "Isn't this place hosting a palace banquet? Your Highness has returned to the position of imperial concubine, and everyone has given congratulatory gifts. The princes are also giving face to His Highness the sixth prince by preparing gifts. I am representing His Highness the fifth prince today and brought a celebratory gift for Your Highness."

After she finished speaking, she gestured to the maidservant behind her to bring a box forward. Imperial Concubine Li was a bit embarrassed. Fendai had come for the sake of delivering a gift, thus it was not good for her to say anything about it; moreover, she had said that she was sending a gift on His Highness the fifth prince's behalf. No matter how foolish she was, she understood that she should not make enemies for her son. Even if the princes were her son's opponents, tearing at their faces was not something that should start with her. Thus she adjusted her mood before saying: "Since you've come, just enjoy the atmosphere!" After saying this, she gestured to Zuo'er to grant her a seat; however, she pointed at a place nearest the door: "Just let the Feng family's young miss sit over there."

Fendai did not mind being assigned a seat over there. Dragging along Xiao Bao, she followed Zuo'er over. After being seated, she was indifferent, but her eyes continued to stare at Imperial Concubine Li. This caused Imperial Concubine Li's heart to feel uneasy. She came into the palace today for the sake of seeing the person whom she had sought out for a partnership many times. Despite making use of her through the use of threats many times, this woman did not make any moves nor have any reactions. She could not help but become curious about what exactly Imperial Concubine Li was thinking.

Shen Yi Di Nu (873 to 1073) Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)Where stories live. Discover now