Chapter 1029

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He Cannot Be Alone His Whole Life Because Of You

Imperial Concubine Yun’s pondering of these embroidery pieces caused Xiangrong’s tense nerves to relax instantly. What are these things? Why did it feel like she was possessed by Xuan Tianyi? When that guy first saw these novel embroidery samples, he also said this.

Therefore, Xiangrong took the initiative to explain, she told Imperial Concubine Yun: “What is embroidered are European countryside buildings. These buildings are different from ours, they are not built from wood but from stone. And the picture below, a person is sewn on it, her name is Mona Lisa, a foreigner.”

“Foreigner?” Imperial Concubine Yun thought for a while: “Qian Zhou? Gu Shu? Those foreigners?”

Xiangrong shook her head: “Not so close, they are foreigners very very far away from us, on the other side of the ocean.” After saying this, she looked at Feng Yuheng and said: “All these patterns were provided by Second Sister, she probably saw them from that Persian Master, right?”

“That’s right! I saw them there.” This was the explanation Feng Yuheng gave everyone: “On the other side of the ocean, the people there look different from us, their architecture is also different from ours and speak a different language. I have never been there before, this is what my Master told me. Even these pictures were what he had left for me at that time. I said that I wanted to bring Xiangrong over to see Imperial Concubine Mother and thought that Xiangrong would think that she would be unable to take out anything as a gift, so Daughter-in-law decided to have her bring these embroidery pieces over to relieve Imperial Concubine Mother’s boredom and see something new.”

“Hm.” Imperial Concubine Yun nodded, “It is rather novel.” After saying this, she looked up and stared at Xiangrong for a long time, and suddenly threw out a sentence: “You’re a good child, but good children do not only hide behind others. If you like our Hua-er, then pursue him! Sometimes, there is nothing wrong with the girl taking some initiative, don’t learn from those wishy-washy embroidered pillows, they won’t amount to anything. Look at your second sister, when she got along with our Ming-er, wasn’t she rather proactive?”

(T/N: Embroidered pillows refer to people who only look attractive but are useless in everything else.)

Is that so? Fu Yuheng facepalmed, it was that guy who was proactive, alright? At most, she was considered not too reserved, but it did not really seem to match the definition of proactive! However, she was really curious, “How did Imperial Concubine Mother know that Xiangrong likes Seventh Brother?”

“Only idiots would be unable to tell.” Imperial Concubine Yun started to display the carefree attitude of “Brother Tian”, and even crossed her legs in a manly way. She pointed at Xiangrong and told Feng Yuheng: “Look at her, look at her, she has been showing a love-struck face ever since she walked in. Her cheeks are red, her face is bright, her eyes are shining, she totally looks like a girl in love who is going to shyly meet the man she fancies. That love can’t be directed at me, right? And to you, even less so! Then the only possibility left is that she has set her sights on Hua-er.”

Shen Yi Di Nu (873 to 1073) Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)Where stories live. Discover now