Chapter 16

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Waking alone was depressing. After days of waking in her mate's strong arms, surfacing awake by herself in her miserable dorm room sucked. Especially since the boiler was, once again, malfunctioning. More than anything, Rose wanted to wake up beside her man - even though it wasn't possible.

They'd spoken about it during their trip back, Dimitri suggesting they not reappear back on campus on the same day. So Rose would be at breakfast today with Lissa, Christian, and the rest of the crew, while Dimitri would reappear sometime tomorrow evening. Rose worried about how he'd occupy himself, but Dimitri had assured Rose he had his work cut out for him washing the many sheets they'd gone through during her estrous.

Dreading meeting up with Lissa, Rose understood it was necessary. Choosing to delay it no longer, Rose picked up her cell and texted her bestie: Back on campus. Meet you at breakfast in ten? R

Seconds later, Lissa replied. Missed you, see you soon!

As she walked down to the cafeteria, Rose thought about how things had changed. A month ago, she had devoted her life to Lissa. Now she was Omega, pair-bonded and the mate of an Alpha male. Not that she regretted it. It was more that things had changed so much!

"Rose! How was the time with your mother?" Lissa asked as soon as Rose joined the table where Christian, Eddie, Mason, and Meredith were already seated. The sparkle in Lissa's eye declared she knew it wasn't the truth, but no one else paid any attention.

"It was my Mom," Rose said with a dismissive shrug. "You know what she's like. I don't really want to talk about it." Lissa nodded, with a sympathetic sigh, giving Rose the out she needed.

"It's a shame you missed the Yule Ball. That was fun but other than that, it's been quiet here," Lissa said almost consolingly. "Boring, really. Tasha left on New Year's Day, so everything has been quiet since then."

"I thought your aunt was staying until the start of school?" Rose asked Christian. Not that she was heartbroken Tasha had disappeared. Still... she wanted all the goss!

"Tash got a call they needed her back at work," Christian lied, not even trying to be convincing. "Since we got to spend Christmas and New Year's Eve together, she headed back home."

"She's pretty busy in the human world," Lissa explained with a sweet smile, a glance to Rose suggesting there was a larger story she'd share later.

"So, has much else gone on?" Rose asked.

"Not really. I honestly can't wait for Natalie to return and classes to resume," Lissa said, missing Eddie and Mason's subtle eye roll. Only Lissa would actually miss classes!

"Christian  will hang out with the guys for a while," Lissa said once breakfast was  over and her boyfriend disappeared with a couple of Moroi

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"Christian will hang out with the guys for a while," Lissa said once breakfast was over and her boyfriend disappeared with a couple of Moroi. "I've told him to make sure he's gone at least an hour. Let's go to my dorm..." Princess Dragomir wanted details, and she was determined to get them!

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