Chapter 32

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"She's worried," Abe murmured, watching Rose and Dimitri as they embraced on the plane. As usual, the armrest between their seats was up, the young couple cuddled together amongst a pile of pillows, cushions, duvets and a thick handmade duvet gifted to Rose from Dimitri's grandmother. Thanks to their work, they traveled frequently. Yet a constant was the quilt Yeva had given Rose just after her wedding. It formed the basis of her nest, and more often than not Dimitri shared it with Abe's daughter.

"It's understandable," Janine said with a sigh, also watching the duo. "She loves the Princess dearly, but it's almost three and a half years since they were at Court. Their lives are different now."

Abe couldn't help his grin. Yes; Rose and Dimitri's lives were different now. His daughter had proven to have a shrewd mind and had taken to business like a duck to water. Thanks to his crash course in every aspect of his interests, supported by an online degree in economics, Rose Belikov had proven her worth a hundred times over in Mazur Industries—the legitimate part of Abe's interests where she primarily worked.

Also a quick study, Dimitri had taken to another part of the business. Specifically, the aspects involving the Moroi world. A quiet, and undeclared, part of his interests, Abe offered discreet yet high-interest loans to Moroi in need. More often than not Royal Moroi. Sometimes they paid their debt in money—sometimes with property or information. One way or another, Abe always got his pound of flesh. What Abe was embarrassed to admit, even to himself, was that his son-in-law was more efficient than he at working out what each client had to offer, and how best to extract it from them. Before any meeting, Dimitri would make general inquiries through his large circle of Guardian friends and acquaintances. The Moroi might see Dimitri as 'Abe's Guardian' or 'the Omega's mate' during their negotiations, but the unusually observant and diligent Alpha seldom failed to suggest the most favorable terms for his father-in-law before they'd even stepped inside the room.

"They look tired," Abe observed. Dimitri and Rose were curled close. He couldn't hear from his seat across the aisle and a row forward, but the couple was purring to one another, giving their mate the calm that each needed.

"Let them rest," Janine said sagely. She knew Rose was worried about their return to Court and everything that would happen when they did. They'd spoken about it several times over the last few days. Janine also appreciated nothing would sooth Rose more than sharing her nest with her mate. Suppressing a smile, she reflected on how alike Abe was to his daughter. The best way to calm the snake was via distraction. "And what about you? Are you a little excited?"

Abe grinned. He was looking forward to this visit to Court. This had all been a long time in planning. Although he didn't want to say it in front of Dimitri, he was also looking forward to seeing his former Guardian and best friend. Although officially retired, and living with Karolina in Baia, Pavel recognized that with the political situation at Court, Abe would need men around him he could trust implicitly. Accordingly, he'd arranged to arrive at Court a few hours after they did.

Seeing her lover in a better mood, Janine decided to capitalize on it. "I'd like to stretch out. Since the kids won't be using it, perhaps we could relax in the bedroom?" she suggested innocently, canting her eyes to the private sleep space at the rear of the plane before giving Abe a saucy wink.

"How do you think it will be?" Rose asked Dimitri. She didn't need to explain. Dimitri understood his mate had nerves about returning to Court and seeing her best friend.

Lissa and Rose had kept in touch over the years. They spoke on the phone and skyped regularly, and every time she visited New York for business, Rose insisted on traveling the eighty-five miles to visit Lissa, Christian, and their Guardians at Lehigh.

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