Chapter 26

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"Are you excited?" Rose asked Dimitri as Pavel guided the van past a faded wooden sign that apparently declared they were now in Baia.

"Very," Dimitri replied, grinning at his fiancée. He had called his mother last night, letting her know they were coming today and not in a week as previously planned. It delighted Olena—especially when Dimitri explained they would get married in three days.

Because of Her Majesty's ongoing search for Rose, they were arriving at night, so they were less likely to be observed. Abe and Pavel would deliver the couple to the Belikovas' home, then continue on to a house they'd rented five minutes away. Abe had instructed Dimitri and Rose to lie low; they could not afford for Her Majesty to get wind of Rose's location before they'd said their vows. Not that the couple minded. Their sole purpose in visiting Baia was to spend time with Dimitri's family, and they didn't need to leave the family home to do that.

And Tatiana was still looking for Rose. The news from Court was that she had increased the bounty to a million dollars US. Plus, they'd had a close call two days before, Adrian briefly contacting Rose via a Spirit dream. Thankfully, the communication had been short-lived, Rose pulling herself from the dream almost immediately before he learned anything. When Rose told Abe about it, he'd gifted a charmed Nazar each to Rose and Dimitri. While he was unsure whether it would protect against dream walking, Rose had not been contacted by Adrian since, so they were cautiously optimistic.

"Will there be something to eat when we get there?" Rose asked hopefully as her stomach grumbled loudly, again. Dimitri chuckled, leaning over and kissing Rose's temple. They were only minutes away from his family home, and Dimitri could not be happier.

"Mama will have been cooking all day," he predicted, explaining how his mother was incapable of making small meals. "There will be plenty for all of us."

Olena had not mentioned asking Abe, Pavel, and the four private Guardians traveling with them to stay for dinner, however, Dimitri knew his mother well enough to know that an invitation would be forthcoming. Abe must have suspected it, too, since he'd stopped in Omsk and bought an enormous amount of fresh meat, vegetables, fruit, cheeses, flour, sugar, and vodka. Winter in Russia was an expensive time of the year to buy food, and catering for so many, even for one meal, would be an onerous burden on the family's limited resources. Olena would never let a guest at her table go hungry, but the generous gift of supplies would be very much appreciated and gratefully received.

"We're not far now," Dimitri cooed into Rose's ear, beaming jubilantly. He could not wait to introduce his mate to his family. He already knew they loved her and would accept her as one of their own, but he wanted them to show Rose that.

"It's so pretty," Rose commented as Pavel followed Dimitri's instructions, turning off the main drag onto an unmade road. The whole landscape was white with snow, although pretty timber houses on large lots lined the thoroughfare.

"It is," Dimitri agreed, pointing to a large house at the end of the lane. "And that one is ours!"

The house Dimitri pointed to was lit up. They were clearly expecting visitors. Pavel had barely pulled up out the front when the front door opened and a surprisingly small woman raced out to the van.

"Mama!" Dimitri said as he opened the side of the van, climbing out and lifting his mother in his arms before swinging her around exuberantly. She greeted him in an excited tirade of Russian. Rose slowly made her way out of the vehicle, giving Dimitri time to reconnect with his mother as she waited to be introduced.

"Mama, this is my mate, Roza," Dimitri announced proudly, putting his mother down to face Rose.

"You are even more beautiful in person," Olena declared in a thick accent, fondly embracing her only son's mate. She now had another daughter, and could not be more pleased. "Please come in and warm yourself, darling. Dinner will be ready, soon." Smiling nervously at Abe, Pavel, and the Guardians climbing out of the vehicle, she invited them to share the evening meal.

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