Chapter 24

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"Rose! Thank Vlad! I've been so worried and the gossip here has been unbelievable!"

"Gossip?" Rose asked, lying in bed with Dimitri at seven in the morning Turkish time which, made it nine pm in Montana. She was calling from a burner cell Abe had provided her with which he assured her could not be traced. Rose understood nothing about that technology but was comfortable if her mobster father said it was untraceable then it was.

"Everyone knows you're Omega, were taken to Court and then escaped. Her Majesty sent Guardians from Court in case you were here. They arrived this morning and started by questioning Guardian Petrov and Guardian Matthews, then they interviewed Christian, Eddie, Mason and me. Plus, they searched the Academy. They think you must be hiding out here."

"Shit! Do they know about me and Dimitri?"

"Not so far. You're with him, aren't you?" Lissa asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes. I won't tell you where, but we're together and safe."

"Are you sure? I overheard a Guardian saying to Guardian Petrov they have put out an alert through the entire Moroi world. They have shown every Guardian your photo and they're looking out for you."

Rose smirked, running her hand along Dimitri's bare, sexy side. They were lying naked in bed together, blissfully happy after a night of passion. No matter how often, waking up next to Dimitri curled in his arms never got old.

"They won't find me where I am," Rose reassured Lissa. "Any news about Adrian? Is he at the Academy, too?"

"No. He's still at Court. I thought he'd want to come back to the Academy, but I've not heard anything."

"Hopefully he stays away. When are the Guardians going back to Court?" Rose asked.

"I don't think they are. They kept asking us anywhere else you might be—if you knew anyone in the human world, or if there's someone you might be with. We told them there was no one."

"We told them...?"

"Christian and I did. He kind of knows about you and Dimitri."

"Liss! The fewer people who know about that the better! If they suspect anything between Dimitri and me, it won't take them long to work out he's the one helping me." Rose climbed out of bed, walking over to her nest and flopping into it. Lying on his side, propping his head up in his hand and leaning on his elbow, Dimitri regarded Rose with concern.

"I had to tell him," Lissa said defensively. "He put it together, and I'm pretty sure Eddie and Mason have, too. None of us have said anything about Guardian Belikov, but they're going to figure out you disappeared at the same time."

"Ugh! This is a nightmare," Rose groaned, the residual happiness from the night before fading fast.

"You must have a plan?"

"I do. We do. I just didn't think they'd put so much effort into finding me."

"Of course they are, Rose. The Queen's nephew is obsessed with you, and you're Omega; you're like the dhampir equivalent of a unicorn!"

"Lucky me," Rose grumbled, promising to call Lissa again in twenty-four hours to find out more.

"Lucky me," Rose grumbled, promising to call Lissa again in twenty-four hours to find out more

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