Chapter 19

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A black SUV pulled up beside the car Dimitri had stolen. He was parked ten minutes outside Court and was waiting for Celeste. When she'd called back, she reassured Dimitri that Rose was sedated and resting comfortably in a room in Guest Quarters. She hadn't asked about his interest, nor commented when he revealed he was just outside Court. Instead, she promised to come and collect him. So it was a complete surprise when Guardian Croft stepped out of the vehicle.

"I was expecting Matthews," Dimitri said, giving nothing else away.

"She's with Novice Hathaway," Hans explained. "Let's hide this," he said gesturing to Dimitri's stolen car. As unlikely as it was that a human would chance along the lonely road that only lead to Court, Guardians frequently traveled this road and were an observant bunch, so it was prudent to conceal the vehicle just in case. Reaching into the cabin, Croft released the park brake and put the car into neutral. The two Alphas pushed it down the small embankment and behind a conveniently situated thicket of trees. Dimitri could collect the car later, but for the time being, it was out of sight.

"So, Hathaway is Omega?" Croft said as the two walked back to the Court-issued SUV.

"Yes," Dimitri replied. There was no point lying—the tests would come back positive. "She had her first estrous at New Year."

"And you know this because...?"

"She's my mate. I knew we were mates from the moment I saw her. She's not yet eighteen, so we were taking it slow, but then she started going into estrous."

"You claimed her?" Croft asked, perturbed that Belikov might have taken advantage of Rose while she was in a vulnerable state.

"I did. Before her estrous. We'd already discussed bonding once she was eighteen. Her estrous pushed things forward a bit. She was still herself when I claimed her. I wasn't willing to claim her if she wasn't absolutely sure."

"You're positive she's your mate? Her estrous scent didn't overcome you?" Croft asked, recalling his attraction to his own mate Mirabelle. From the first second they'd met, he knew he was hers and vice versa.

"We've already formed a pair-bond," Dimitri proudly replied. It was the ultimate proof a pair were meant to be. "It's only been two weeks, but we can already feel one another's emotions."

"She's drugged, right now, which is why you can't sense her," Croft explained, recognizing the young man would be panicked. "Matthews is with her, and I have mated Alphas guarding her door." Croft left the rest unspoken. They both understood mated Alpha would be disinterested in anyone other than their own mate, and would recognize another Alpha as part of her scent, so would pose no threat.

"What will happen?" Dimitri asked.

"They'll test her. If she's Omega, they will detain her at Court until she marries."

"But she's my mate!" Dimitri shouted. "We're bonded!"

"I appreciate that. But since she's not eighteen, they won't recognize that."

"But surely once she's eighteen they can't detain her? She's a legal adult then."

"They can and will detain her if they deem it 'for her own protection.'"

"That's a very broad term," Dimitri said, freaking out.



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