Chapter 44

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"Who's at the door?" Abe barked, surprised when one of the overnight Guardians interrupted his sleep at 4:30pm.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mazur," the young Guardian said, blushing profusely as he saw Guardian Hathaway move further beneath the duvet, curling against the boss. "He insisted he needed to see you and given the circumstances I let him in."

Abe was muttering numerous pointed remarks under his breath as he slipped out of bed, making sure Janine was still asleep and modestly covered. Naked as the day he was born, he wandered into the walk-in closet selecting some comfortable clothing. Gesturing the Guardian who'd woken him not to say any more, Abe left their bedroom, carefully closing the door behind him.

"Can you make tea and coffee?" Abe asked the skittish Guardian as he followed him downstairs. "Then wake Pavel and Belikov and ask them to join us."

Nodding nervously, the young Guardian followed Abe through to a downstairs living room, leaving when Abe waved his hand dismissively.

"You've been home for all of diddly shit, and now you're visiting here?!" Abe growled at Croft. The man had been so close to death—he needed to be resting at home!

"The first of the election results will be in today," Croft argued, speaking bravely despite the fact his forehead and upper lip were covered in sweat. The walk between his home, the van, then Abe's townhouse had been enough to exhaust him. He'd never admit it, but Mirabelle had been right. He shouldn't have come!

"There's no point arguing with him," Croft's mate replied in exasperation. "I've met mules less stubborn! Would you mind if we stay here as the election results come in? Hans wants to see it unfold, plus I'd feel safer here."

Mirabelle only put the slightest inflection on 'safer', yet Abe instantly deduced that was part of the reason for their early evening visit.

"Well, you're here now," he conceded. "You might as well settle on in! Jeanie is still asleep... Help me make coffee, Mirabelle? Breakfast too, perhaps?" he suggested to Hans' mate, canting his head toward Croft where he was reclined peacefully on the sofa.

"We haven't eaten yet," Mirabelle acknowledged, going over to kiss her man before explaining to him she'd be in the kitchen preparing the breakfast.

"What's going on?!" Abe asked as soon as they reached the kitchen and were out of Hans' earshot. Immediately excusing the young Guardian who he'd tasked with making refreshments, he turned to Mirabelle with an expectant gaze.

"Hans wanted to be here when the election results came out. He insisted. I hope you don't mind?" Mirabelle replied, trying to busy herself with breakfast ingredients, not meeting Abe's eyes.

"That makes sense," he agreed, "but what about the rest of it?!"

Croft's mate sighed, setting the bacon, tomatoes, and mushrooms from the fridge onto the counter.

"I'm scared," she whispered. "I wouldn't have agreed to come so early if I wasn't. If today doesn't go well—even if it does—Hans might be a target again! Tatiana nearly killed him... And he's still so weak! What if someone tries again?" Mirabelle whimpered. "I can't risk it. He's already been through so much!"

Abe cursed himself. He hadn't considered there might be a second assassination attempt, but what Croft's wife said made sense. Hans might be out of the woods in one respect, but he was still at risk in another. Abe was angry that he'd not considered it earlier. He'd allowed Hans to return to a house where his only protection was an emotionally distraught Dhampir mate!

"You're right," he replied calmly. "In fact, I think it's best if you both stay here for a few days." Expecting an argument, Abe held up his hand to forestall any disagreement. "We need Hans here to help plan the next steps, we have a large security patrol ensuring the safety of all household residents, and finally you'll have people here to keep you company and help you attend to Hans. It can't be easy tending to his every need... Here the house staff can help ensure his every comfort. I really must insist on it, Mirabelle," Abe said, suppressing his grin when he saw the relief in her eyes.

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