Chapter 29

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Rose yawned, disappointed but unsurprised by Dimitri's news. With their wedding brought forward, she'd deduced Abe planned for them to be 'discovered' sooner rather than later. While it pissed her off, she was grateful that she and Dimitri had celebrated their union before the Guardians appeared.

"Text Abe and let him know," she said with a sigh, before starting in on the breakfast tray her husband had provided. Through their pair-bond, Rose could sense Dimitri's unease... Whatever would happen would happen—so she was taking a more laid-back approach to the situation.

"They want to take you to Court!" Dimitri hissed, beyond pissed off about the turn of events, despite knowing it had been bound to happen. It was taking all he had not to return downstairs and beat the living shit out of the Guardians wanting to take his wife away. The rational part of him understood they were Guardians, just like him, and were only following orders. The Alpha in him saw them as a threat to his mate. Getting more worked up as he thought about it, Rose laid a calming hand on his chest.

"We need to do this," Rose replied, chewing the food her loving husband had provided. "We can't move on until we find out what Her Majesty intends to do. Better to get it over with."

Dimitri growled, sitting beside his wife and taking the cup of coffee he'd prepared for himself from the tray. Taking several fortifying sips from the dark brew, he grumbled. "I don't like this. Despite being claimed, and married, I worry they'll dispute our union!"

"That's a given," Rose acknowledged sadly. "They're certain to punish us... I can kiss being a Guardian goodbye. I don't know if she'll fire you—but you'll never have a good allocation again." While Rose was somewhat resigned to their future, Dimitri's thoughts went elsewhere. His wage supported his grandmother, mother, sisters, and their offspring in Baia. He needed a regular income to provide for them, and his new bride. He also worried how Rose would cope with being away from Vasilisa. They'd been best friends and together most of their lives—surely that would be hard for his mate?

"How do you see our future?" Dimitri asked, trying to work out where to from here.

"Abe's offered that we can stay with him in Turkey," Rose voiced, not entirely sure about her father's long-term intentions. "It's a good stop-gap until we decide what we want to do?" Rose's voice was uncertain. Nothing between her and Dimitri had eventuated the way they'd planned. A courtship, claiming, then working together on Lissa and Christian's guarding team had quickly evolved into something very different, thanks to her becoming Omega.

"A few months with your father could be ok," Dimitri allowed, putting his thoughts together as he spoke. "However, if I can't be a Guardian, I need to find paid employment as soon as possible." He'd previously explained to Rose he was the wage-earner for his family in Baia. She understood his family relied on the money he sent and would be in dire straits without his contributions.

Rose ate, showered, packed her bag, dressed, and was downstairs before the Belikovas departed for church. She hugged each woman becoming emotional when Babushka presented her with a handstitched quilt, quietly explaining it could be part of a nest she could take with her anywhere. Olena and Yeva both asked her to come back with Dimitri as soon as possible; a promise Rose intended to keep.

While the Guardians had expected to transport only Rose to Omsk and the aircraft waiting there, none of them dared oppose Dimitri when he walked out hand-in-hand with his bride. Belikov intended to travel anywhere Rose did, and the Guardians were disinclined to give him any opposition.

"The subject is on board and consenting to travel to Court," one Guardian reported by cell phone before they departed on Her Majesty's plane. Letting Court know to expect Rose, Dimitri was pleased they had not disclosed her changed surname. That him attending Court alongside his wife might be unexpected was the icing on the cake.

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