Chapter 27

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Pavel was up, dressed, and breakfasted by the time Abe came downstairs the next morning. The house Abe had rented was best described as rustic—but it was clean, and they'd all stayed in worse over the years so there were no complaints. Abe took his time making a cup of coffee and was sitting in front of the fire, wondering how long it would take Pavel to hurry him along because Pavel was a man on a mission.

"Drink up your coffee before it gets cold," Pavel grumbled.

"Yes. It is a little cold. I might just make another..."

Pavel muttered a curse word and glared at Abe who was laughing at him.

"I suppose you want to go to visit the Belikovas?" Abe asked a little too innocently, smirking at Pavel's exasperated expression. Checking his watch, it was close to nine on Thursday morning. Paul would be at school by now, so it was safe to assume the ladies would be awake. Abe intended to tease Pavel a little more but decided against it. His long-time Guardian and friend was angsty. "Come on, then. We'll leave the others here. We don't want to overwhelm the ladies."

Stopping only to issue instructions to the four private Guardians accompanying them on this trip, Pavel was outside and had the vehicle running in moments. Ahh to be a man in love, Abe thought, noticing as Pavel checked his reflection in the rear-view mirror, frowning as though he was dissatisfied with what he saw. Abe had long since filled Pavel in about his scheme with the Moroi doctor, her dhampir sister, and controlling when and how Tatiana learned of Rose's whereabouts. They planned to keep to themselves in Baia, only spending time with Rose, Dimitri, and his family.

"She's a lovely looking girl," Abe said conversationally, referring to Karolina Belikova. "And her son is a clever lad. Well mannered, too."

"She's far too young and too good for me," Pavel said, his voice pessimistic. Usually calm and equanimous, Pavel sounding so doubtful about himself was new to Abe. "I probably misunderstood kindness for interest."

"There's only one way to find out," Abe said sagely. A witness to last night's exchange, there was no doubt Dimitri's elder sister reciprocated and encouraged Pavel's interest. Karolina had been demure, and everything propriety demanded a young lady should be, however her eyes had sparkled as she gently drew Pavel out of his shell.

"I should stop and pick something up. It would be poor form to show up empty-handed, wouldn't it?" Pavel asked.

"Why are you asking me? When's the last time I went on a date?" Abe chuckled.

"Good point," Pavel said, pulling up in the main street of Baia, thankful the van's windows were tinted so Abe would not be seen. "Stay in here. Lock the doors." Five minutes later Pavel was back with a large bunch of white roses with hot pink edged petals. Beautiful to look at, they had been the most expensive in the store.

"You got an odd number?" Abe checked, recollecting the Russian custom that an even number of flowers was reserved for funerals.

"Twenty-five," Pavel replied, putting the bouquet on the passenger seat, positioning a bag of pryaniks beside it. He started the car then drove sedately to the Belikova home—almost as though he did not want to appear to be in any haste.

Unlike yesterday, Abe and Pavel needed to knock at the front door. Karolina, who had been sitting in the front room, opened it almost immediately, wearing her best 'casual' dress since ten past eight that morning.

"Mr. Mazur, Guardian Pavel. Come in." Standing aside to let the two men into the house, Karolina smiled when Pavel presented her with the bunch of roses.

"A small token of my regard," he said, observing her reaction.

"They're beautiful," Karolina said, raising the blooms to sniff.

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