Chapter 11

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"This must be very different from Russian Christmas dinners?" Tasha trilled, smiling at Dimitri as she passed a platter with roasted carrots, turnip, parsnips and sweet potato to him. That she was thrilled she snagged the seat to Dimitri's right was clear in every simpering grin.

"A little," he allowed. "In Russia, we have goose rather than turkey." Serving himself vegetables, he held the platter while Rose served herself. Seated on Dimitri's left, Rose was opposite Lissa and Christian. Eddie, Mason, Meredith, Chelsea and some other Novices were also seated at the long table along with Lissa's guarding team.

Moroi usually ate separately from their Guardians, and would never sit down with dhampir on formal occasions like this, however, Lissa had been adamant. Her parents had shared Christmas dinner with their Guardians for as long as she could remember, and it was not a tradition on which Lissa was prepared to budge. She'd made it clear Guardians were free to sit where and with whom they liked, but they were welcome to sit with her. Since the food was always better on the Moroi tables, it was a no brainer, really!

"Did you get good Christmas presents, Lady Ozera?" Celeste asked, interrupting Tasha's shameless eye-fucking of Dimitri. Honestly, the woman had no off button. Lady Ozera had already undone more buttons on her shirt than was seemly and kept bringing her arms in close to her sides to push her meager cleavage together. Not that Dimitri was paying her any attention.

"Lots of lovely things... But sadly not someone tall, dark and handsome at the foot of my bed," Tasha replied with a theatrical sigh, batting her eyelashes at Dimitri.

"What did you get, Sparky?" Rose asked, even though she'd helped wrap many of them.

"A new leather duffel, some books, and some shirts." Rose sniggered. Lissa had been trying to get Christian to dress in anything but black ever since they started dating, however, Rose wasn't convinced the plum and peacock blue shirts Lissa had selected for him this year were likely to do the trick. There'd also been the gift of a very sheer pale pink set of underwear from Agent Provocateur that Lissa had worn for him last night, but Rose could understand why he didn't want to mention that.

As they ate, Meredith was fingering a pretty silver necklet which must have been a gift from Eddie. He was looking pretty happy, so perhaps a trip to second base had been his Christmas gift? Speaking of which, Rose's mind kept slipping back to what almost happened that morning. Even thinking about Dimitri's thick, hard cock made everything south of her bellybutton clench.

For all their talk of waiting until she was eighteen, that just wasn't going to happen. The more time they spent together the closer they were becoming. There was now no doubt in Rose's mind Dimitri was her mate—and she wanted to give herself to him completely. But before that there was another milestone; something they were planning to accomplish today. After lunch, they were going to Skype Dimitri's family!

"I am so full I can barely move!" Rose groaned, grinning across the table at Lissa and Christian

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"I am so full I can barely move!" Rose groaned, grinning across the table at Lissa and Christian. "What does everyone have planned for the rest of the day?"

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