Chapter 48

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"Roza? You don't really want to return to Turkey, do you?"

Rose and Dimitri were lying side by side on the balcony of their suite in Cancun overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. Warm sun complimented by a balmy breeze—the place was idyllic.

"Right now, I don't want to go anywhere," Rose replied, her eyes closed and a content smile on her face.

"I mean it. When we were in New York, I got the sense you didn't want to leave Court and your friends."

Rose sighed, rolling over to face her worried mate.

"You're half right. I'm happy to leave Court, but I will miss my friends. I love our life in Istanbul—we've had some amazing years there—but it doesn't feel like home."

"What if we get our own place? We talked about moving out and getting something smaller just for us?" Dimitri's heart was sinking. The only way he'd endured the months at Court was imagining them in a home of their own once they left. It didn't sound like Rose shared his vision. A vision of their own place, and then maybe in the future a baby...

"It's not that. Turkey doesn't feel like home. I don't want to move back to Court, but I wouldn't mind living in New York."

It was an idea Rose had been kicking around for a few days. Something Janine said had set the ball rolling. Even when she was saying tearful farewells to Lissa, Christian, and their other friends at Court, Rose was thinking it would be so much easier to say goodbye for now if they were based in New York and not Istanbul.

"New York?" Dimitri said, testing the words and the idea. "You mean run Mazur Industries from there?"

"Why not? At least half of the business is US-based. We have the apartment and it feels more like a home than Abe's house in Istanbul. New York is close to Court so we can visit when we want to, but removed enough we don't have to get involved in the day to day bullshit. We'd still need to fly to Europe regularly, so we could work in visits to Baia then."

Home. It was a nebulous concept. Baia was his family's home, but now Dimitri's home was where his heart was. Where Roza was. He was happy when she was.

"It's a glorious city," Dimitri agreed, observing his wife's face as he said his next words. "I suppose it makes sense to decide on a country before we think about starting a family."

Rose rolled off her sun lounge, which had been draped with the duvet and blankets she used as her nest, and climbed on to Dimitri's, nestling in his waiting arms.

"It does," Rose admitted. "Although I'm not quite ready for that yet."

"Not yet," Dimitri agreed, not wanting to spook his mate. "But maybe starting to think about it?"

"Maybe... And I'm certainly open to practicing..."

"Is that so?" Dimitri asked, looking around to make sure no one was situated close enough to overlook their balcony. While there were spots which could give a distant view, they were far enough away that Dimitri was unconcerned. In fact, making love where they might be observed was a bit of a turn on.

"It is," Rose said with a sigh, allowing Dimitri to peel her bikini bottoms from her slowly as she pulled on the string securing her bikini top. Taking the scraps of fabric from her hand, Dimitri discarded them on the balcony floor. His eyes raked over his mate.

'So beautiful,' he said in his mind, his eyes catching hers as he lowered his swim trunks, rendering him as naked as she was.

'You're not so bad yourself,' Rose thought back.

"Lie on your back, legs open," Dimitri ordered, growling as he stood and watched his wife. Rose immediately obliged, scooting back on the sun lounge so her butt was right at the point where the lounger's back inclined, resting her heels on the edge of the sun lounge, meaning her back was elevated as she opened her legs. Looking down, Rose could see her lips and slit exposed to Dimitri's covetous gaze.

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