Chapter 18

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Dr. Olendzki was in her office drinking herbal tea when the call came through. She tried not to drink caffeine after dinner because it kept her awake, and she needed her sleep since she never knew when it would be interrupted to tend to a patient. It had been a quiet week, considering the students and staff were all back on campus. Other than the odd headache, a few scrapes, and one sprained wrist, all was well. She should have known it was too quiet to last.

Draining her teacup, Dr. Olendzki straightened her pristine white coat and moved out to reception preparing to meet her patient.

"There's no need to manhandle me!" a familiar sarcastic voice growled. "I'm perfectly capable of walking, ya know?"

"Sorry, Novice Hathaway. The instructions from Court were that we had to bring you to the infirmary without delay," a disembodied voice said, attempting to defuse the situation.

"Yeah well, you know what? Fuck that! Fuck Court and especially fuck you, Adrian!"

"Don't be like that little dhampir," Adrian replied calmly as Rose, 'escorted' by two Guardians, rounded the corner into the infirmary reception. "We're bringing you here for your own protection."

"Like anyone actually believes that!" Rose spat back, furious at Adrian and indeed the whole Moroi establishment.

"Rose? Lord Ivashkov?" Dr. Olendzki greeted, moving them along the hallway into the triage room. What she had been told her over the phone seemed farfetched and fanciful, yet nonetheless, she was duty-bound to investigate it. "What seems to be the issue?"

"Dr. Olendzki, it appears Rose has presented as Omega. She spent the time after New Year hiding in a cabin on the edge of campus because she was going through estrous. You know the regulations—she must be detained and taken to Court for her own protection!"

"That's bullshit!" Rose shrieked. "I'm a Beta, you moron! You just want to take me to Court so you can try to convince me to go out with you. Well, it's not going to happen! I don't like you! I wouldn't touch you with a forty-foot pole. I wouldn't touch you with someone else's forty-foot pole! In fact, speaking of that pole, I have a few ideas what I'd like to..."

Dr. Olendzki put her hand up to silence Rose's verbal assault of Lord Ivashkov.

"What proof do you have to substantiate these claims?" she asked the Moroi Lord.

"Rose told me," a very smug Adrian replied.

"Like hell I did!" Rose snarled, trying to wrench her way out of the Guardians' grasp and smack Adrian out of the infirmary and a good way towards the weekend after next. "You just can't take no for an answer, can you pretty boy? Well fuck you—the answer is still NO! Not now. Not ever. NEVER!"

"It doesn't sound like something she confessed," Dr. Olendzki said dubiously, taking in Rose's furious expression and colorful words.

"She regretted telling me," Adrian replied, adding the tiniest bit of compulsion. Not enough to convince—just enough to add a degree of plausibility. "I explained to Rose she'd be sent to Court, and that's when she started behaving like this."

An Omega declaring so late was rare but not unheard of; and Lord Ivashkov was, unfortunately, correct. If there was any suspicion Rose was Omega she needed to go to Court—at least to be tested.

"Let me call Guardian Petrov down here. Lord Ivashkov, please wait outside."

"I'm sorry, I can't do that," Adrian said firmly. "My directions were to make sure Rose was detained and could not get away."

One of the Guardians nodded. "He's right, doctor. I got a call from Guardian Headquarters saying the same thing."

"And I'm sorry, but you have no choice. Omega or not, Rose is my patient and your presence is not helping here. If you're worried about her absconding, the Guardians can stay."

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