Chapter 1: London, here I come

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„I should really just apply to some jobs in London already" I told my mom while we were having a cup of tea and some cake. „I feel like if I don't do this now, I never will". My parents weren't really happy with my plans, they thought I should just keep the secure job and home I have now. „You know it has always been my dream to live in London at some point". „Well don't you think you could find some kind of English activity you like here?". I couldn't really argue with them about this. They wouldn't understand.

Later that evening I was looking for jobs in London. I have been thinking about applying for a job at Pret-A-Manger, a huge food chain I loved so much. I always had a thing for baked stuff. Their baguettes and everything else were just the best in the world. Or at least in London.

My work phone suddenly rang.


"Good evening, this is Andrew with P&A's London. Is this Miriam speaking?"

"Yes, it's me. What can I do for you?" I was so surprised they called. Like who was Andrew?

"Ah nice to get in contact with you. We are actually looking for a last-minute replacement for one of our clients. You have been highly recommended. Are you actually interested?"

"Uhm..." I was confused. "How did you get my number?"

"Well we have heard you are the best in the business and our client would be interested for you to work with him".

"Oh thank you. Well when would I have to start?" This was so weird, like all of my dreams were about to come true!

"You would have to start next week. You can actually live with the client and everything has been taken care of. We will book your flight right away if you take the job. We can discuss all the details when you arrive next week. The contract is set for 6 months, but if it goes well you can stay on longer".

Oh wow I was completely overwhelmed. "Yes I would like to take the job."

"Happy to hear that. I will mail you all the details shortly and see you soon!"

"Thank you... Bye"

"Bye then Miriam"

He hung up. Damn I was so choked up I nearly started to cry. I couldn't believe this was happening! I immediately called my friend Diana

"Miriam? What's up?"

"Diana, you will never believe what just happened to me!!"

"Oh Gosh what's going on?"

"I just agreed to a job in London and I'm starting next week!" I nearly screamed! My cat was looking up at me as if I was crazy.

"Wait... what?"

"Yeah I'm gonna work for a client in London for 6 months!"

"Oh wow you're so lucky! Can I come visit?" She laughed.

"Yeah of course... although I have no idea where I will stay exactly but they said I'd live with the client. Whoever that is. Can't be worse than the damn crazy business people I have been working with" I was ranting on.

"Sure. Do you know who it is?"

"No, I don't actually... but they said they will give me all the details there".

"Damn I can't believe this is happening. I'm so happy for you" She sounded sincere and I was so glad. It has been both of our dreams to move to London for years now.

"Aw thank you, I will definitely invite you over as soon as everything is set. You still work with the airline company right?" She has been working there for years, and even though she wanted to change jobs it would mean she would get a cheap flight.

"I am. I knew it had to be good for something".

"All right I'll keep you updated. Talk to you later?" I needed to tell this everyone else I knew and most of all Jess.

"Sure. I'm happy for you Miriam, who knows where this will lead to huh?"

"Aw don't even say that. I'll probably be jobless in 6 months". I was overthinking everything all the time.

"I don't think so. This will be great. And who knows you might work for Daniel Radcliffe". She was a huge Harry Potter fan.

"Well that would be nice I guess" I liked him but there were others I was swooning over. Such as Taron Egerton I was having a serious crush on.

"All right, bye"

"Bye Diana"

I told Jess and she was so happy for me she squealed. And I told my parents who weren't overly happy. They were basically only interested in what I would do with my flat and my cat Tim. I could talk them into talking Tim and I rented my flat to a student. There were always so many people looking for a cheap two bedroom flat near the city centre it was no problem at all. Then I quit my job which I was so happy about!

The day I left was there in a blink of an eye. I was so nervous.

"Why did I agree to do this? I don't even know what I'm doing."

"You will be fine. Just imagine everything you have achieved in the past" My mom was sweet.

"Thanks mom, I will call when I'm there".

"Good flight hunnie" My dad said and hugged me. They could be cute if they wanted to be.

I was scared shitless when I arrived at Heathrow. I was near tears because I still couldn't believe where I was and that I would spend 6 months in the most amazing city ever! It's then it hit me that I just might have achieved my goal. I got my luggage and headed for the exit when I recognized a man holding a sign with my name on it. He told me he was just the driver and that I would get all the details when we arrived. I was so confused. Who was this person I would work for? Like some kind of major celebrity??

We were driving through the nice and rich areas of London and that is when we stopped at a nice white building in Victoria. I have always loved the old buildings there, but they are just way too expensive to ever think about the details of living there.

I got out of the car when a good-looking blonde-haired man greeted me. He was wearing a suit and really nice shoes. Like the Brits do. I was so overwhelmed with everything. Was he the client?

"Good afternoon, you must be Miriam. I am Andrew, we spoke on the phone". Damn that accent.

"Ah yes, nice to meet you Andrew" We shook hands. "Come on in" he said.

Andrew led me to an office room on the right "Let's just discuss all the details here". He closed the door behind me.

"So how was your trip?" He asked as he got behind the desk and sat down "Please have a seat". I sat in one of the chairs in front of the desk

"The trip was great, thank you." I was still so nervous I was shaking. The office was small but nice, the desk was old but in good shape. Like the rest of the house probably. Hopefully.

Andrew was all business. "Nice to hear. So, Miriam, we are so glad you could come in on such short notice. I'm sure our client will be very happy. I think he will be back in a bit. He went to some Microsoft event on Oxford street"

I was confused. "May I ask who the client will be?"

"Oh yes sure" Andrew said. "It's Taron Egerton".

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