Chapter 19: Tiny Dancer

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"Wow" I breathed out. I was simply speechless.

"This was amazing" Taron said as he looked down at me and kissed the corner of my mouth again. I stopped him from pulling away and kissed him. We stayed like this for a while. Then he groaned and pushed off me, pulling out of me and standing up, getting rid of the condom.

I ogled his ass without a care in the world. He had little moles everywhere. He turned around and peeked his head around the corner to find me staring at him. He chuckled.

"What?" I smiled, all innocently. He had caught me staring but I didn't mind.

"You are so beautiful" he said, smiling, while walking back to bed and gathering me up in his arms. His fingers trailed over my naked body before asking "Can I ask you something?"

My heart skipped a beat. What did he mean? "Ask me something" I smiled.

"What's your tattoo?"

I moved my upper arm slightly so he had a better few of the inside of it. "It's my tiny dancer" I smiled up at him.

It took him a second before he got what I meant "Wait... is this?"

"Yes" I interrupted him. "Well not just for the movie" Was that weird? "It has a symbolic meaning to me and it also reminds me of the movie." He smiled "Everything is possible, you know? You just have to believe in yourself"

Taron blinked a few times, I think he was about to tear up "I love it" he whispered while moving his fingers over my tattoo. It felt so intimate, even after what he had just done, for him to touch it.

Then he started singing quietly and took my breath away.

Blue jean baby, L.A. lady
Seamstress for the band
Pretty-eyed, a pirate smile
You'll marry a music man
Ballerina, you must have seen her
Dancin' in the sand
And now she's in me, always with me
Tiny dancer in my hand

I smiled up at him as he kept going and there were tears forming in my eyes. He smirked while I let my fingers wander over his beautiful body.

But, oh, how it feels so real
Lyin' here with no one near
And only you, and you can hear me
When I say softly, slowly

Then I started to sing along with him.

Hold me closer, tiny dancer
Count the headlights on the highway
Lay me down in sheets of linen
You've had a busy day today

We laughed at each other and he leaned down to kiss me. The tension between us changed from fun to desire as he deepened the kiss and our tongues met. I broke away, kissing my way over his sharp jaw line, down his neck and he moaned. Oh that sound did things to me. We rolled over so I was on top and I started to kiss my way down his body. Roles reversed. He had the strength to roll me back on my back but he didn't. He seemed to enjoy this as much as I did. I really had the power to do to him whatever I wanted huh? I smirked. I glanced up to find him staring at me. His eyes fluttered closed as my hand tightened around his cock, slowly moving it up and down his hard length. I spread my legs to sit down on his thick thighs and could feel my own wetness dripping out of me. Taron opened his eyes again to watch what I did to him, his lips parted. I met his eyes and they were black and hungry.

He flipped us over before I realized what had happened and pinned me down into the mattress. His lips met mine for a passionate kiss and I wriggled underneath him, wanting more.

He pulled away, his face inches from mine. "You impatient little thing" he gave me his smirk. I smiled up at him. He seemed to read my mind. He handed me a condom "Put it on me" he whispered and I did, his cock throbbing under my touch. He thrust into me instantly, hard and deep and I closed my eyes, revelling in the feeling of him inside of me. I could do this all day, all night, no matter how sore I would be.

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