Chapter 16: A new chapter

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„I have never been better" I smiled at him. "This is all just too much."

He still had one arm around my lower back and was cupping my face with the other. "Me too" he whispered, letting his hand travel to the back of my neck to pull me in closer.

He looked into my eyes for confirmation and I nearly whimpered when his lips touched mine. Our lips danced tenderly, his lips warm and soft against mine. My body was shaking with years of loving him. My arms went around his waist to pull him even closer while his fingers ran through my hair.

I heard someone clear their throat and broke away from him. I looked over to the doorway and my mom was standing there. Oh shit. "Sorry, just wanted to check where you are" she said apologetically.

My eyes met with Taron's and he looked confused. I was the one that was completely overwhelmed with emotion though. My mom told me they would go to bed already and she had prepared the guest room for Taron. Are you fucking kidding me?

When she left I looked over at Taron again and he was staring at my lips. I found I had mind-absently brushed my fingers over my lips, tracing the spots where he had kissed me.

"Why don't we go for a walk?" I suggested, my voice hoarse. It was only 9 PM after all.

He cleared his throat "Sure."

I showed him the vineyards that were practically behind the house and he intertwined his hand with mine. I let him. It was such an overwhelming feeling I would have loved to jump his bones right there.

We said goodnight when we got back and he kissed the corner of my mouth. All I wanted was to pull him closer and deepen the kiss but we couldn't make out with my parents sleeping right next door.

"Sweet dreams" he winked, slowly letting go of my hand.

I instantly missed his touch. "You too" I said lamely. Oh, I surely would have sweet dreams.

I had a hard time finding sleep, there were so many thoughts running through my mind. What were we to each other really? We were no friends, but we weren't really lovers either. I could still feel his lips on mine and I couldn't believe that had actually happened.

I must have dozed off but I woke up when I heard the door open quietly. There was a dark figure standing in the doorway. It was Taron. I sat up in bed when he came closer and smashed his lips to mine. We fell down onto the bed and his weight on top of me pinned me down exactly where he wanted me to be. I tilted my head to deepen the kiss and he groaned when his tongue met mine. He took his time exploring my mouth, his hands slightly caressing my face in the process. My heart rate picked up and I pushed my body against him. I moaned when I felt his erection against my lower stomach. Damn, he was hard and so big. His hands were travelling all the way down my body and I shivered with need for him. His hands were just about to head between my legs when he broke away.

What why? I sighed and I could hear him breathe hard. I could see his silhouette only in the dim light of the moon shining in. I rose my hands to let my fingers travel over his jaw and lips when he pulled away "I want to do this the right way" he whispered, cupping my face with his hands. "And I can't stop kissing you"

"I can't stop kissing you either" I whispered, grabbing the back of his head and bringing his lips to mine again. He moaned before moving away, ever so slightly shaking his head. "We shouldn't do this"

I felt rejected immediately. He didn't want me? "I want you so badly, but we shouldn't do this now. Or here" he replied quietly.

"All right" I replied, feeling left hanging.

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