Chapter 14: Endings and new beginnings

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I must have fallen asleep at some point, but I woke up in the middle of the night feeling thirsty. I walked down the steps towards the kitchen and tried to move as quietly as possible. I took a glass from the cabinet and filled it with some tab water.

"Hey" I heard Taron say and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

"Damn you scared me" I said breathlessly. I hadn't expected him to be up.

I switched on the light and heard Taron wince.

I turned around to see him sitting on the couch his hands in his hair. He looked up at to me. He had been crying.

I was taken aback. Why had he been crying? I walked over to the couch and sat down next to him. "Are you all right?" I asked slowly.

Taron sniffled "I will be" I handed him a tissue from the couch table to blow his nose. Should I put my arm around him?

"Do you want to talk about it?" I didn't want to force him to tell me anything he didn't want to.

Taron huffed. "There is not much to talk about" He paused and looked into my eyes searchingly before looking down at his feet again "Emily and I broke up"

I felt like the whole world stood still. Why the hell did they break up? It couldn't be because of me, could it?

"I'm so sorry" I put my hand on his back and tried to calm him down a bit. I wasn't really sorry though.

"Don't be" Taron whispered "We haven't been happy for years"

I remembered Richard had said something similar but I didn't want to push Taron "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"

He looked up and his eyes met mine. What did he look for? What did he want to hear? He pulled me closer and I was breathless. I would kiss him right there and then, but I didn't think it was a good idea. I didn't just want to be a rebound for him.

I put both my arms around his back and pulled him into a hug. His broad shoulders against mine, his torso against my belly, I breathed him in. I could stay like this forever. I felt his hands travel down my back when he pulled away.

He looked up from under his lashes "Thank you". He wiped the tears from his eyes. "You are a really good friend, you know?" He said and winked.

I was so glad I had cheered him up a bit. We talked for a while then and he told me Emily had already packed her bags and left. He didn't tell me why they broke up though.

We went to bed at some point and while I lay there in bed on my own I couldn't help but think that anything would be possible now. We were only two people, alone in this house. I tried to shake that thought but it wouldn't go away. He was heartbroken. I would have to be his friend to get through that hard time with him. "It's my job" I thought for a second, even though I knew that part wasn't in the contract.

I woke up the following morning, completely overwhelmed of what had happened last night. I decided to go downstairs to prepare some breakfast. Taron wasn't up yet, I hoped he would feel better today. I decided to make breakfast and bring it up to him. Or would that be too much? "Who gives a shit!" I thought and just did it. I was still in my pyjamas and had no makeup on but that was how he had seen me last night, so what?

I knocked on his door when I heard him "Come in"

I pulled down the door handle and - for the first time ever - entered his room. It was a bit bigger than mine and there wasn't much decor on the walls, but I didn't expect there to be. His scent hit me before I even reached him. His bed was even bigger than mine was and I tried to get rid of my dirty thoughts.

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