Chapter 6: Playing games

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He went to look for Emily so I checked my phone. I had received a reply from Richard earlier today.

"I'm fine but I got the feeling Taron is in love with you"

Good thing I had been sitting down, I think I would have dropped to the floor right then and there otherwise. What? What the hell did he mean? Taron wasn't in love with me. That was ludicrous. What should I reply to Richard though?

"What makes you think that?" I typed and sent before I could think about it. My mind was elsewhere entirely. I actually felt like Taron hated me. Richard's message must have been a joke.

"How about you come by my place to talk? Just drinks, I swear" he wrote back.

Well what would be the harm in that, right? I walked upstairs to my bedroom when I heard a door open. "Hi Miriam, can we talk for a sec?" It was Taron. I was really unsure how to act around him now. I guess it would be best to act normally. Whatever normal was.

"Hey" I said and looked at him. He had changed into another pair of jeans. They were black and ripped just around his right knee. They fitted him like a glove. How did he get in and out of them? Damn. My mind was playing tricks on me.

"Would you like to join me and a few friends tonight? They will actually come by my place" Which friends was he referring to? Was Richard coming too?

"What did you have in mind?" I asked, needed some more details.

Taron laughed. "Well one of my friends has this new drinking game idea we wanted to try" Oh God, please no drinking game. I always ended up completely wasted.

"I'm not much of a drinker" I admitted. I had one cocktail last night and I had already been tipsy.

"You don't have to be" Taron put his hand on my shoulder and smirked.

"All right" I sighed. "I'll change and be back in a bit" Back in my room I tried to replay what just had happened. What was going on? Did he normally invite all his assistants to drinking games? It seemed highly unlikely. I got out of my dress and decided to put on one of the most comfortable pair of jeans I owned and a blue t-shirt I loved.

I was a bit nervous when I got downstairs. There were a few people around I didn't recognize. I said Hi to them all until I found Taron preparing the drinks in the kitchen. Loads of shots. Oh no. Where was Emily?

"I see you have met some of my friends yet" Taron smiled at me. "That right there" he gestured to a tall, red-haired guy who was around the same age as Taron "is one of my longest friends. Isn't that right, Gavin?" He turned around and laughed. "Well I better be, man!" He was Welsh. He clapped Taron on his back and kissed him on the cheek. Ah so he got it from Gavin huh?

"Hi Miriam" Gavin said. I smiled. He seemed nice.

We all started to gather around the couch table. I found out his other friends were called Tom, Beca, Bleddyn, George and Catrin. It looked like they had known each other for years which made me feel like the outsider I usually was Taron sat down on the floor across from me. Where was Richard though? I sent him a short text message earlier saying that I would stay here since Taron had invited me to whatever this was.

Suddenly the door opened "Sorry I am late guys!" Richard said while looking at me. So he was here after all. Did Taron invite him though?

"Hey man" Taron got up to hug Richard and they clapped each other on the back. They seemed to be fine. "You know most of the people right?" Ah, so they had done this before. Everyone said Hi to Richard and he sat down to my left.

"So that's the plan" George explained and pulled out some kind of board game. "Everyone will have to play dice, depending on the number you get you will have to move forward on the board" He continued explaining but my breath caught in my throat when I realized there were actions such as "The person to your right drinks" or "Kiss one person next to you, the other has to drink" on there. Oh my God what have I gotten myself into?

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