Chapter 11: Late night bonding

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The sun was shining in brightly when I woke up. I blinked a few times until I realized where I was. Why was I laying in bed? I remembered laying down on the couch yesterday. Then realization hit: I was laying in bed, right next to Taron. We were both under the blankets, Taron was on his side, his face towards me, sleeping peacefully, his lips slightly parted. "Aw his face is so pretty" I thought when I felt his arm around my waist tightening.

My belly somersaulted. I started to remember what had happened last night:

I woke up in the middle of the night after I have had a really bad nightmare. I must have screamed because Taron got up and walked over to me. We were sitting side by side on the couch.

"What happenend?" Taron asked worriedly "Are you all right?"

I was trying to breathe normally again. "I'm not sure. I have had this really bad dream about my parents dying". I had that dream every now and then. I was really scared of losing them.

Taron frowned "I'm so sorry" he was so kind. "Want to talk about it?"

I didn't feel like talking "Another time maybe" I said and hoped he wouldn't mind.

"Sure" he looked over at me. "Come on" he took my hand and got up from the couch.

I got up "What is it?" I asked. I was about to melt if his bedroom eyes stared into mine any longer.

We walked over to the bed and my pulse picked up

"Let me comfort you tonight" he said and let him fall onto the bed and took me with him.

I had to laugh "You are the best, you know?" I said, still smiling. I looked over at him and his eyes met mine.

"I'm not so sure about that, to be honest" He said and looked up to the ceiling.

What the hell did he mean? "No you really are" I put my hand on his chest. My fingers were only inches away from his chest hair. Why had I just done that?

"You are a really good friend, too" he said and winked.

"Urgh" I groaned "You and your winks!" he laughed and winked again with his other eye this time.

We talked some more and must have fallen asleep at some point.

Now here I was, laying in bed with him. I still couldn't believe last night had happened. If he had kept looking at me like that, I would have totally lost it. Good thing he didn't. We were friends after all! Well who was I kidding? He would never be just a friend.

Taron was starting to move beside me. "Good morning" he yawned.

He was so gorgeous and cute I could kiss him right this second. I didn't though. "Morning" I smiled over at him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, his brows furrowed. He was still concerned.

I would love to tell him all about how hot and bothered I was but – again – I didn't. I couldn't. "I'm fine, how are you?"

"Never been better" he said. Was he joking? Then he winked.

Of course he was. We started laughing.

I saw my phone light up on the nightstand. I had an incoming call from Andrew.

"It's Andrew" I said to Taron before I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi Miriam, glad you are up already" I checked my watch. It was 8 o'clock.

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