Chapter 8: Planes, pizza and late night tweets

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I was walking home after I had said goodbye to Richard. He wanted to accompany me, but I didn't let him. I was glad we could be friends and that he wasn't offended in any way. I needed to clear my head and he understood. He was the best really. As I was walking down the street I thought about what I had felt earlier. There really was only one man I had longed to be with for years now. Could it be possible he was actually interested in me? I didn't think so. He just wanted us to be on goods terms since we worked together a lot.

Going up to my room I realized the house was quiet. I got ready for bed and lay down. It was going to be a perfect day tomorrow, Jess was flying in tomorrow so I could pick her up at Heathrow airport.

The following day, I got up bright and early. I ate my German muesli I had quite missed the last few days and went into the office to work. Even though it was my day off, I had some work to do, since I didn't do that much yesterday. That Comic Con schedule was full to say the least. I had never been, not even as a fan. To say I was excited was an understatement. There were a few topics coming up I wanted to discuss with Taron soon. But first of all, I had to pick up my friend Jess. I sent Taron a quick text saying "Just left the office to pick up my friend Jess". He wouldn't be able to reach me while I was on the tube, in case there was something that needed to be dealt with urgently. I grabbed my Oyster card and headed for the Tube. I had to change once at South Kensington. There were quite a lot of families and tourists around looking for the museums, but the rest of the Tube ride was no hassle. I smiled. I still couldn't believe I was no tourist anymore, but I actually lived here now. At least for the time being.

I was so glad when Jess and I finally met "Oh I have missed you" I said while we were hugging. "I am so glad you are here."

"Not as glad as I am" Jess smiled. "So how are things with Taron? Oh and did you and Richard kiss again? I have to say I didn't expect you would kiss two men within 24 hours" She laughed. I couldn't blame her. It really wasn't like me.

We chatted away like we never had before and I told her everything that had happened.

"Wow, so Taron and Emily really got into a fight because of you, huh?" She smirked.

Oh no, not that again "No, I am sure it was nothing. Anyway, they are going to the Lion King premiere at Leicester Square today" I wish I could go. But I was happy I got to spend the day with Jess. "Oh, I am so sorry you can't stay with us, you know" I told her "I really couldn't ask Taron after all that had been going on"

"It's no biggie" She said, then winked at me "I don't want to disturb your blooming romance with Taron anyway." She loved to tease me about my crush on Taron.

I just laughed. No such thing happening, my dear friend. "You know I would never date my boss."

"But you never thought Taron would be your boss and you have had a crush on him for ages" She was talking about the last 5 years since we have known each other. We have actually got to known each other on Twitter and started to chat every day. We have been best friends ever since. "I mean you even started writing fanfiction about him"

"That I did" I smiled. I couldn't believe I did that. "I never thought it would all eventually lead here"

My phone pinged and I checked it to see I had an incoming text from Taron "Could you come by the office by 4 o'clock?" It was 3 o'clock now. We would have to go by the office before Jess could check in to the hotel she had booked.

"Did your lover text you?" Jess bantered.

I laughed and poked my tongue out at her "Do you mind going by the office first?" I asked her "There is something Taron needs to discuss"

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