Chapter 26: Mr. and Mrs. Egerton

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We got married the following year at Kew Gardens. It was a beautiful summer day and my mom and friends helped me get ready. Jess and Diana were already in their bridesmaids' dresses. They were beautiful light violet chiffon dresses.

"You are so pretty" Jess gasped as Diana held her son Liam who was now one year old.

"Thank you" I smiled "I'm still a bit fat though" I laughed. I still didn't have my old weight back but I wasn't even sure if I wanted to. It reminded me of my girl Sophie who was currently sitting on the couch playing with her favourite toy. She was in a cute white dress that matched mine. I didn't think she actually realised what happened today.

"You are not fat" Diana said "I mean look at me"

I laughed "You are tiny"

Jess agreed "You really are"

"Alright, see you in a bit" Diana said as she hugged me and they went outside.

I stood in front of the mirror as I watched my reflection. I loved the dress that was a sleeveless all over lace, tulle and organza A-line. It was nothing compared to how much I loved Taron though and I couldn't wait to marry him. I also had my hair done that was falling down in soft waves, just as he liked it. I barely recognised the woman staring back at me. Was this really me? Was this really my life now?

"You are so beautiful" my mom said, tears in her eyes.

It would be an emotional day for sure "Thank you mom" I said as we hugged.

She walked outside to get to her seat as I waited for my dad to walk me down the aisle. I wasn't nervous at all, it felt like coming home.

I peeked outside and watched as my mom held Sophie's hand as she walked down the aisle towards her daddy and he picked her up and whirled her around while she giggled. My cute little family.

Taron was in a patterned suit and I loved it.

"Are you ready?" my dad asked as we linked arms.

"As ready as I will ever be"

The wedding march started and the look on Taron's face when he saw me was unlike anything I have ever seen. His lips parted as he took me in and my smile widened.

The ceremony was beautiful and we both laughed and cried constantly. I shivered as Taron slipped the wedding ring onto my ring finger, looking at me from under his lashes. I felt so happy I was about to burst and at the same time I couldn't wait to kiss him. It felt so intimate as I put his wedding ring on his finger. I grinned. He was officially my man now.

Taron seemed as impatient as I felt. "You are so beautiful" he whispered. As they pronounced us husband and wife he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him as our lips met. Then he picked up our daughter and I kissed her before we walked down the aisle together.

Taron and I took wedding photos in the garden as the rest of the wedding party walked over to where the wedding reception would be held. Finally, we had some alone time together with our girl. We hugged and kissed and it felt as if we had only just fallen in love.

The wedding reception took place at one of the many gardens surrounded by flowers. Liam and Sophie played in the garden together with the other children from Taron and my family.

Later the wedding party was in full swing. "Want to dance, Mrs. Egerton?" Taron whispered as he put his hand on my leg.

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