Chapter 17: Movies and archery

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"Ah" Taron jumped up "Must be the pizza"

I took a deep breath. This wasn't normal dating, was it?

I turned on the TV and searched for Me Before You when Taron came back with the pizza.

He had gone to grab cutlery from the kitchen and handed me one of the pizza boxes. It was both pinapple pizza after all. I smiled.

I started playing the movie and we laughed while we ate. Then things got sad and I started tearing up. I looked over at Taron to see him wipe tears from his eyes. He really was the cutest. I think I even heard him try to suppress a whimper.

Luckily there were tissues on the couch table so I handed him one. He looked over at me and smiled, still tears in his eyes. That man was so sexy, yet cute; I would never get over it.

"I love this movie" Taron whispered as soon as it was over.

"Do you?" I sniffled. I had seen the movie a few times but still cried whenever I watched it.

He put his hand under my chin forcing me to look at him "I do." It was as if he wanted to say more but stopped himself. "I love movies that are just different to all that..." he gestured with his hands "mainstream stuff"

I smiled "I am glad you like it. I prefer these kinds of movies too"

"We need to buy tissues though" he said and I laughed.

"I love how emotional you are" I said, intertwining my hand with his.

He stared at me "Thank you" he said, leaning over to kiss the corner of my mouth again. I had to stifle a moan.

"You pick the next movie" I looked at him. I was excited which movie he would pick.

Taron smirked "Well how about The Departed?"

"Oh I love this movie" I smiled. I have seen an interview of him where he mentioned it as one of his favourite movies.

"You do?" He smiled at me

"Yeah" I couldn't believe we had so much in common.

He pressed play and we started watching. I have loved the movie for years, especially the performances of Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio. I told Taron so.

"Aw" he frowned and I loved to see the wrinkles on his forehead. "I thought I am your favourite actor" He smirked at me.

"You're from a different world" I smiled at him

"Am I now?" He winked.

We continued watching, cuddling on the couch and I couldn't imagine an evening that was more perfect than this.


I have loved watching The Departed for years and I couldn't believe Miriam liked it too. I could really talk to her about anything and we had so much in common. We had the same taste in food, movies and so much more. I couldn't wait to get to know her better. We were best friends, but then there was something about her that I found highly attractive. I haven't experienced that in... ever.

She fell asleep while we were still watching, her head on my shoulder, sleeping peacefully. I could watch her sleep all night; in fact I had done that when we have shared a bed back in San Diego. This woman was so beautiful. I lightly caressed her hair. I loved it when she kept it loose, light waves running down her back.

When the movie was over I picked her up and carried her up the stairs. She didn't even wake up when I lay her down in my bed. She just moved to her side hugging the blanket. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and got in bed, draping my arm around her. I listened to her soft breathing and fell asleep.

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