Chapter 12: Truth or Dare

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"Ah why don't we play Truth or Dare?" I just came up with it and thought it was a great idea.

"Why not" Richard smirked.

"Well I am game if you are" Taron said and winked.

We decided to sit down on the bed of Taron and my room. It was big enough for three people.

"So, how does this work? I asked, suddenly nervous. I was quite a bit tipsy and had no idea what I had gotten myself into. "Have fun, because that's what life is all about" I thought. I had lived for work all those years back at home; it was time to live a little.

Taron chuckled and raised his eyebrow "Don't tell me you have never played Truth or Dare before" Richard had just come back from grabbing crisps from the candy machine. I took the bag from him and opened it.

"I have not, in fact" I said, my mouth full with crisps.

"So who wants to start?" Richard asked. I think both Taron and Richard were quite drunk too. Richard sat down next to Taron, because I was practically laying all over the bed.

"It was Miriam's idea, so she should start" Taron smirked. "Truth or Dare?" The way he said it made my skin tingle. I would never get over his accent.

"Uh" I had a gulp of lemonade before answering "Truth". Who knows what he would have asked me to do if I had said "Dare".

"Richard" Taron looked over at him "Do you want to ask her a question or should I?" He thought this was funny? I would let it out on him when it was his turn.

Richard cleared his throat "Who is your secret crush?" He asked me.

Oh no, please not that. Did he know it was Taron or was he only speculating? "Uhm" I had to come up with someone else fast. Ah, I knew someone. "Adam Huber" I said proudly.

Taron and Richard laughed and looked at each other "Who?" they said, almost in unison.

"Oh come on" I reacted as if Adam was the most popular person on the planet. "He plays Liam on Dynasty, duh" They still looked confused "You know, the remake they did?"

"Nope, have never heard of him before" Taron laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "So it's your turn" I said to Taron. "Which will you choose?" I raised my eyebrow at him. Whatever he could do, I could do better. Well, who was I kidding?

"I choose Dare" he said unhesitatingly.

I grinned. Aw I was so looking forward to this. "I dare you to make out with Richard" I could barely contain my excitement for this.

Richard laughed "What?"

Taron was all game and looked over at Richard. Then he put his hand to his neck and pulled Richard closer to him. Richard didn't look so happy, but Taron was all game.

Their lips locked and I had to giggle under my breath. It's when they started making out in the earnest that I had to stifle a moan and started drooling. I could watch this all day. Every day.

Taron put his arm around Richard's shoulder while Richard's hand grabbed Taron's hair. Their bodies were flush against each other's and I swear they would fall sideways if they didn't stop soon. And I would have to wring out my panties.

They deepened the kiss and Taron moaned. That was when I lost my shit. My heart was racing and a pulse gained force between my thighs. How did I find this so sexy? I needed to get laid badly. I never thought two men kissing like that would be so attractive. That was until I had watched Taron and Richard make out on screen the first time. I had no idea they could pull off something like that off screen too.

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